
Seek within....

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

IDEAL GROWTH..... What is it?

We all are born to grow...
From a foetus, we start getting our human form  till 9 months  in mother's  womb... After that our growth in external environment starts and growth continues....
Even while in womb, every moment we are growing  physically and mentally and with science advancing each growth is monitored  too.... After reaching adulthood our physical growth ceases and we still continue  growing  mentally....
Physical  growth has well defined approximations but mental growth is immeasurable.... Like the way we changed in physical form during physical growth years somewhere mental growth was happening too... We have been so conscious of physical growth that we haven't  really known or understood the depth of mental growth... We have only  groomed our mental growth to help our physical  needs to be fulfilled....
Examples of mental growth are... Education, mental abilities to enable logical thinking, using brain functions to enhance in career, etc etc...  GROWTH HAS TO BRING CHANGE...
It us said that Growth is Optional  Change is inevitable.....
We often appreciate growth but we dread change... Why????
Change is a shift in attitude, habits, behaviour.... And a change in all three is a PARADIGM SHIFT.... individual  change in Habit or Behavior or Attitude  can be a result of any episode occurred which has been a lesson to learn , sometimes voluntary  change is observed for achieving a goal but the real growth that can change ones life completely for good is the Spiritual Growth.....
This growth is not an uplift in mental abilities  but this is a growth that  has happened with  Growth in EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT  combined with our inbuilt INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT (which is a natural  one)....
By increase in mental abilities  and reaching a career  height will still not ensure that Inner Growth which basically we humans seek....
We are gifted with intelligence  as a unique quality, emotions even animals have inbuilt  thus we aren't only here to increase the productivity of this IQ and only roll into comforts, we humans need to grow spiritually  by developing  HUMANE Qualities of letting go of minor issues, sharing, caring, non interfering  and non judgemental, etc to value human beings as spiritual  beings and raise our spiritual standards.... This is the ultimate  growth  we are looking for but we get stuck in only  visible  growths in terms of material  gains...
Lets grow within and change just happens as this  change is what  we can never have until we have matured souls.... God bless us all!!!
Coming next....
A kick start at developing  spiritual growth.....

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Roots to crown.... (merging of earth and sky)

Cuddle me, hug me passionately tight
A smile, a feeling of everything right
I seldom can breathe but I  do not fight,
A surrender of self to the divine  light....
What are roots? Roots are the very basics we are a product of... Roots are something that has held us upright.... Our body, our existence is an integral product of this mother universe and is beautifully  designed to be absorbed  by nature eventually....
Born nude... We die clothed...
The reason we are born nude and all animals remain nude all their life... Coz that is the state of being one with  nature... I am obsessed with clothes... I  then realised that whether society is soo fragile in its approach that giving  nature a reason, a protection from cold, rain etc we have been trained to use clothing which has now become an obsession with most of us...
A hidden meaning to this trend  means we have become  internally too very weak to the extent we cannot even imagine  A stark naked truth around us... In the name of civilization we are far far away from the very nature which has made us....
We, need to water the plants to see its fruits, flowers and leaves  blossoming but if we only water leaves, put on accessories  it will soon die a sad death... All who are born do die... So does plants, but each should  LIVE  before  dying.... What are humans  doing is a very miserable way to die a life which seems  Lived but infact is tortured with  all sorts of man made ways of conduct which has left their souls die in suffocation  due to layers on it...
There s an awareness of awakening of roots  within the human body to find  liberation and evolve but how far are we doing it right.... Synchronization of all energy points in our  body from root to crown is what we need to feel, to breathe the innate nature we are a part of...
Let's  see the way our root chakra functions... It is involved in basic  functions which are condemned by sophistication but are most integral for survival namely, releasing waste products via urination and excretion and sex to release  stress hormones... These functions involve  maximum energy and are most important for regular functioning of body.... Once these are taken care of... Energy can pass on to chakras above.... Constant awareness and focus can lead us to the crown  chakra which is very rarely  accomplished but not impossible....
A very simple technique of routine activity  of cleansing the toxins built in to allow the free  flow of energy is to feel at every moment that we are a perishable  product with an eternal element  called SOUL which is a part of this universe and lets feel that love we experience from the core and that makes us feel rejuvenated with each breathe....
Meditative techniques, be Mantra or Tantra meditation where mantra involves  a single individual to work on self and tantra meditation where two people  need to be in complete synchronization with each other.. To be in the zero feeling of self and one with the partner.... This is what is a realization of supremacy we all have within us and that brings about a peace... Ultimate peace which is the driving force for people to get into any act according to their inner depth....
Let's.. Cherish this innate nature we are born with at  core level and feel blissful ....

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Benefit of Doubt.... Helps at times

BENEFIT OF DOUBT.... means: "I did not assume he was a liar." It means: "I don't believe the story, but I will consider that maybe it really did happen." To give someone the benefit of the doubt means you assume that he or she is telling the truth until proven otherwise.
I wasn't  judgemental ever.... I  probably  was like that initially because I  was a victim of LOW SELF ESTEEM... it proved advantageous at least in developing this trait in me... Except that LOW SELF ESTEEM is a curse... It thus became a habit since then.... Now, when I  do have enough SELF CONFIDENCE, I  still stick on with my NON JUDGEMENTAL  traits....
Which means.. It is easier to give BENEFIT OF DOUBT... As per the above definition, we do need to essentially give benefit of doubts to people at least a couple of times till we are convinced of their  particular  folly. It is MOST  IMPORTANT quality  needed in my profession  but also as normal human beings we can immensely see its positives if we adopt this trait.
The big problem with people who fail in giving benefit of doubt  is that they have FIXED IDEAS... about many aspects of life... My dear people... LIFE itself is CONSTANTLY changing  how can our fixed ideas help us.... Like a personality, our ideas are also victims of NURTURUING AND ENVIRONMENT  we are within... It is not often under our control to change the set conditions we are dropped into but..... A VERY AWARENESS that we can adopt new ideas, help us come out of blocks  and see new perspective. IT CAN HELP US CHANGE... OUR ATTITUDE...
Humans are slaves to Habit... Be it food, clothing, living, talking and.... Worst..THINKING.... we cannot step out of our comfort zones as we ourselves wouldn't  accept our CHANGED FORM... this limitation is many a times  root cause for many personal and interpersonal  problems....
The very reason, BENEFIT OF DOUBT helps us is.. To step into others UNREVEALED softer/weaker aspect and and Increased level of UNDERSTANDING  of our own capacities to value people and their limitations.....
People with GOOD TRAITS are very easily accepted and respected in society... We seldom  want to even know their negative traits... (good enough)  but, the repressed segment of society are often those who are CONTINUOUSLY JUDGED AND CONDEMNED.... Crimes are unfortunately their share of conduct and we want CRIMES to end... HOW????
At an individual  level, at  micro level, can we  not try and figure out SOME  GOOD, AMAZING, RARE, traits  in PEOPLE who are victims of JUDGEMENTS and gradually evoke a human  trait if we START USING  BENEFIT OF DOUBT and not hold people CULPRITS for  their  xyz actions.. At Least ... couple of times....
Benefit of doubt  according to me is a SENSITIVE  quality in comparison to being JUDGEMENTAL which is quite an insensitive aspect where we subconsciously have framed anyone and everyone  who do not match your thoughts as WRONG....
RIGHTS AND WRONGS are man made.... Compassion and Sensitivity are DIVINE  Human  Qualities which we need to preserve... Lets give it a good try...

Friday, November 4, 2016

quotes from my heartbeats

A pond of lotus, happily intakes mud
Some fully bloomed some emerged as buds
Each has its beauty and each has its load
Some  die in pond, some offered to GOD...

The ones in pond are duty bound
Those in temple are for ritual found,
Both are victim's of nature and nurture
Flowers are beautiful in any culture....

So are humans, trees, animals and  birds
Why rank them into useful and nerds? 
Each one acts as per their limits set
Most of us die due to our desires unmet...

Desire is nothing but a distractive toy
Gives momentary pleasure not an eternal joy
My ultimate need is to get dissolved in me
All I want is to see the  divinity in every being...

My love, my madness, my reflection  is you
I love myself more when see myself in you,
You made me taste the nectar of this feel,
When I see you smile, it brings me peace within...

Without a touch you made way to my soul
I feel so precious, so complete and whole,
Each vibe of yours hits me like a wave
I need no words, nothing more I crave...

I let my emotions flow in my words
For  I don't want to cage you like a bird,
I want to see you fly, to meet your sky,
I want my happiness to flow through my eye..
I might  get lost in this time machine
Never would  I disappear from your heart within
How can my love leave your inner child
Whenever you think of me, I  hope you smile....

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Just Imagine!!!!

We all started imagining things  probably from the time we gathered reasonable information from our surrounding and education be it at a very primary level....
As children when  we are explained things  without a picture we merely  try making a mental  sketch of that term by its verbal explanation and each of us would have a different mental picture made depending on our individual exposures.
For each physically existing thing we can get an image to precisely or approximately  describing  its actual look... Thanks to technology... But this too wasn't existing long long back...
So... To have something as basic as a fan or refrigerator or tube light was someone's  random imagination  which turned into reality and such a basic requirement today that these creations have captured humans  totally...
Every imagination starts with a random thought, a need or a desire... What is it that turns this imagination into reality... Passion.. Once an imagined idea appeals to self so deeply.. We start  re imaging it again and again till we start to physically work on it at a physical level...
Same concept works at an emotional level.... People all around are groomed and nurtured towards material luxuries and things and so passionately people think about it that they actually achieve it but then.... We realise an emptiness at soul  level... Naturally.. It wasn't  seen, it wasn't  a need to search for as breathing was natural, existence became natural but the feeling of happiness, sadness which was easily compensated with things at physically present.. We would not feel the need to experience the core reality that makes us....
Many nuts  like me try hard imaging  "soul"... I  tried that as a child when emotions had a deep impact in me and I tried figuring it out WHY...?
I might be looking for a rational  reason to stop my emotional turbulence  but fact remained that this was more a need to understand  myself as a spirit within a human form... As per my training, my mind started imagining  spirit, soul which no one has seen but everyone has.. Experienced... Thus these minor and major life experiences became very important to me and the feel from these my soul lessons... I still can't  but stop imagination.. But now I  imagine  a feel, a moment of divinity and I  somewhere know it can physically  happen.. How is that  going to happen I m unaware but if I can imagine it, it might happen... So... Emotionally  uplifting your self is simple... Train yourself to imagine a state of happiness and eventually you can be...
Just let your wild thoughts flow, let them drive you in ecstasy and let them just let you BE..., IF YOU CAN IMAGINE IT, YOU CAN EXPERIENCE IT......
love you all....

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Use FUL... not.. Use FOOL..

We are all GIVERS and  TAKERS....
Ideally a person with generous heart wouldn't  want to take as much as give but that again is pertaining to material  things... I am here to talk about only  EMOTIONAL  Gives and Takes....
I meet many people on regular basis where they complain of being into an emotionally abusive relationship and which leaves them shattered... They again  gather up, show up and are left to break down due to their emotions being  exploited.
It's  great to LOVE people.... The most pure, beautiful and amazing  feeling in this life is to be in LOVE... people when in love often take it as a venture into a world that will bring only wonders to them... Well, its not completely true... Its wonderful  feeling with an adventurous route... The adventures are felt when there is a turbulence in this  so called  EMOTIONAL LEVEL.....
Love has many dimensions and definitions, it is not only limited to two people.. It is that which generally exists between humans and living  beings...
Which factor gives rise to this love is again very  complex  as it could be anything  from hormones to habits to a cosmic pull  to loneliness etc...
I often  find either of the one in this love bond, be it parent  child, two friends, lovers, etc getting a feel of  being  victim to  the other exploiting them for their  emotions... WHY DO PEOPLE FEEL THEY HAVEN'T  GOT ENOUGH  FOR HOW MUCH THEY GAVE AWAY EMOTIONALLY??????
This is a very sensitive issue, disturbing a huge population and the feeling of being MIS USED/ABUSED  in a relationship  is often devastating.... It took me long to understand  this....
When people love someone, they are dwelling into their emotions so deeply that they actually feel that they have given  a precious part of theirs into the relationship which is TRUE,  the only problem is we are not able to LET GO of that part which is given away in love.... When I  say we couldn't  LET GO  meaning, there's a realization  that 'I have loved him/her  sooo much where I gave away my time, money, body, etc into that relationship'... This thought, if it persists then you haven't  loved to give... You have loved to  TAKE too.... And if u have kept a count  of how much you have given... You are expecting that  much in return.....
Love, being  intangible  can never be measured and this way one of the individuals in such relationships often  feel being  mis used...
A DIFFERENT  PERSPECTIVE..... If people  find you lovable and if we can help  them with whatever we are comfortable with... Say  time, money etc and if that is considered as a form  of love being showered  without the feel of being taken  undue advantage of.... This is the feeling of being of some  genuine USE..... but if  all help rendered was with a desire to get something  back worth the same value will  ONLY MAKE ONE FEEL... BEING MIS USED or ABUSED...
It is human to expect back but understanding that this very expectation into an intangible  give away is only going to distress  us...
It is therefore, a regular  practice to understand the depth of this beautiful feeling  called  love...
LOVE to feel good for giving as much as you  can as you are  doing that for you have more love in abundance to give it away....
Do not measure  love... Just love.... Forget  it once shared... Its all in here... You will  experience it in yourself....
If.. Its not in our personalities to forget it once showered... Be cautious... As this  can get us to the mode of feeling  exploited and misused....
Take care

Monday, September 19, 2016

ORGANIC... are we???

The word in vogue today is ORGANIC... everything is marketed with this title  of Organic... Organic food, shampoo, soap, etc  etc..
I  was wondering while shopping at the supermarket how these products have captured the market and they could because there are consumers  for these products....
It was a great feeling to realize that many among us have woken up to the chemical  attacks our bodies have been going through  have taken it seriously to use only such products.... But.... On the other hand, I  saw all these women  has either coloured and straightened their hair, loaded  with make ups and were wearing  amazing  perfumes.... I tried giving  complete benefit of doubt to perfumes and make up they would  be very particularly  using organic  based ones but was a bit doubtful  about hair treatment products....
Men too had wonderfully Coloured  hair do s and  I must admit people carried themselves  extremely  well... Too well...
I  am no one to condemn anything, neither products nor the consumers  but I definitely  have to explain  my confusions and my thoughts that kept me busy for quite some time and  left me with  an amusing  feeling ...
In this era of heavy industrialization  and  bombardment of all sorts of fancy products which  are mainly designed  and manufactured  for  two reasons..
Comfort  and   image..... As people today  are only focused on these elements... Health is also taken as a fashion statement  where numerous  stunts happen for others  to perceive us as health freaks and not a serious consideration given to it....
With  so much of an awareness of NATURAL products.... We humans still are of herd mentality  where we only love following trends and people... Nothing is right and nothing is wrong as per my personal philosophy but what disturbs me is that with  an ABSOLUTE PICTURE PERFECT living style, societal  image  to careers .... All seem to be in an absolute  ideal way, despite which people don't  get sleep, have depression and many more  routine but chronic  issues....
Even to these  issues, we have an organic way to heal our minds and those are all sorts of Alternative  Therapies...
They are all wonderful only if the crux of the entire  deep rooted problem is understood....
We have so much soaked ourselves into the SOCIETY  and  its FAKE  PHILOSOPHY that we do not even dare to acknowledge the true, original, pure, natural  self of ours which  is MOST  ORGANIC and leaving that unattended we run for labels stating organic stuffs...
All of us are so  much used to those standards set by society that we have as humans turned most unnatural from our thoughts to behavior  and which also  includes all requirements  to make our faking jobs easier....
The  very reason that we are victims of many  ailments and tragedies at emotional level  too is the outcome of the dual life we all lead.
How many of us have taken steps towards living an ORGANIC LIFE...?????
We still can....

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tough Love....???? Is very tough to have...

Tough love....
I read this term and found  very interesting... It is nothing  but selfless love  but TOUGH is something we can perceive either ways... But tough positively always means inner strength... Tolerance and self controlled  trait..... Basically  a graceful  warrior  quality...
I might sound a bit confused here  as terminology  like tough with a soft and divine emotion called love seems a little  difficult to understand but it is extremely appropriate after learning its indepth  meaning...
Tough , generally  means the withstanding capacity, the immunity  or the inner strength to fight  something  harmful....
Love is never harmful  unless, it becomes  selfish and obsessed...
I encounter so many people who in the name of love end up having  crazy expectations from the other or so deeply  get involved into that love that it turns into an obsession.... Either of these are not healthy and in fact they are harmful to them as well as their relationships...
Whether it is one sided or mutual... Love is love... It shouldn't  lose its Purity and essence under any situation.... The very thought of loving someone for expectations of reciprocation  is that  LOVE was offered as an object to trade with... If there exist mutual  love... Its beautiful.. But even then, it can turn mesmerizing  if it is only showered upon the beloved...
Human emotions  are very fragile... They do get low with non reciprocation  and non acceptance of love, also it might sometime  be mocked, over looked at but despite all this, if there still exists such love for someone... Then that  is TOUGH LOVE.... at some  point in life... Everyone has to undergo the test of examining their  love and this outcome is very very rare... As these difficult  times are the moments where one can understand whether their love can withstand the storms of others  moods, mindset and feelings....
Love  which can maintain its authenticity after undergoing  difficult  times  indeed emerges as TOUGH LOVE... where the recipient is never harmed only LOVED..... the giver might undergo traumatic phases to get toughened  but in the end it is a realization of TRUE , SPIRITUAL LOVE...
DIVINITY is in feeling the LOVE,
By giving your true self... Keep rising Above...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Chakravyuha was a circular  formation... A strategic  war  formation  used in epic Mahabharata  by Dhronacharya.... To trap warriors during the war....
I immediately  could think of a circular maze which is often used in theme parks across the world to confuse people with their way  out.... And
My very different perspective  could make me relate to both CHAKRAVYUHA and MAZE... To the VISCOUS  circle of  LIFE....
The faiths which believe in BIRTHS AND REBIRTHS.... can probably  relate to this theory of getting trapped into the cycle....
At times.... When we try and  figure out our certain  habits, thoughts, behavior  which are neither genetic nor environmentally  influenced  but still is a strong  trait in us which we blame it on our INNATE PERSONALITY... this innate feature we probably  have learnt or gathered while traveling  so many lives  and  thus  is reflected in us.....
Basically, we all try with our focus and passion to  release ourselves  from this maze and  some new players keep enjoying  the game and wandering  within the maze....
The lessons thus learnt in our lives are those landmarks which should help us take different  route with an attempt to seek that ultimate  freedom of our soul.... The alertness is thus required  to take life lessons as marked wrong route..... So that  we don't  get stuck there again and  again...
But.... What really  happens isn't as simple as a game of maze...we are humans who only  use our given smartness to hurt, harm and win over  people banging  into  us while traveling into the maze and we totally  forget that our prime motive is to get out of that  for liberation....
Humans, get either into tiffs or emotionally attached to the other players and are stuck there... Settled there... Rather, as an aware candidate, one needs to be on constant  move and find the way out themselves... En-route if they find another such  alert individual who has had his/her part of experience of some different  wrong routes... Thus, such  people as soul mates can join  hands to their ultimate  destination.... It is but not  mandatory to seek a mate.... If one has to they do  meet on life journey but  individual  search should  never stop...
Like... Abhimanyu.... The soul  does  know its way out of this charavyuha.... Only  thing essential is to maintain  alertness and focus on the goal.... Rest we will be guided by our souls...
Lets enjoy our life game....

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Respect.... But not fear... Is LOVE

What do we understand by the term RESPECT????
It is commonly  confused with  EGO when  people talk of self respect....
Before I  start the delicate issue of self respect, which often is the core problem area with  majority of us, I ll focus on general term called Respect....
Respect as per dictionary is defined as...
"A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements."
"due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others."
The first definition is usually natural to most of us and we as general  public crave for achieving that RESPECT in world... It is perfect to be respected for achieving success or showing some  great extraordinary abilities.... But I  started understanding RESPECT at my turning point in life as the second  definition...
Yes... I  too kept  feeling  devastated all my life that  I  am not respected enough as I haven't achieved much until a realization that, I  need to first  focus  on SELF.. give myself my due preference as a human being and eventually start loving myself... I  loved  myself only as much as it was needed to be felt good to survive and when my self worth did not depend on others judging  me.
My self love made me strive towards my passion, which lead me to this profession and lead me to meet  innumerable  amazing  people where each one contributed to my growth  further.....
To explain in simple terms,
ACHIEVEMENT  and  SUCCESS can give respect  only  for SELFISH REASONS.... And are more  associated with FEAR element...
Example.. A Rich person is showered with respect due to his POWER....coz if that power is used against anyone, it could have ill effects and if we think deep, today the rat race is mostly  directed towards that only... For all those who strive to make money to have a decent  living belong to normal human tendency but those who have enough already and are still going nuts over more and more are Self Feared, that apart from not having the same high standards of living, if they don't  match  up the RAT RACE, they will loose SOCIETAL RESPECT... these people are wasting their life in acquiring a complete  superficial  RESPECT from society which only pampers their EGO.
The PEACE, which we ULTIMATELY  seek is also achieved through  RESPECT  and this RESPECT  falls under second definition  mentioned above... It is
"due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others."
If... This definition is followed and implemented.. We need not run, sweat and go nuts in acquiring pseudo RESPECT from those in society who pretend to respect  but actually  fear your power, position and money....
This definitely doesn't mean people stop earning or living  well but not with a desire to DEMAND RESPECT  by showing power.... The  human quality of respecting each individual  irrespective of their background, culture, community, colour, caste  is something we need to develop  to form a basic  sense of RESPECT towards a HUMAN SOUL  and this is enough to bring about an awareness within us as to LOVE is where  RESPECT  for that individual  exists...
Love without  respect is DOMINATING, SELFISH LOVE... where one can live in bubble to feel he /she is being loved  a lot as the other fears them...
Whereas, on the other hand even one sided LOVE  can revert back with  LOVE  if there is RESPECT involved in that relationship where others  feelings and wishes are given due regards....
To, conclude with an example...
My client asks me... " Ma'am, why it hurts so much when we are in love".. I had to correct her... One sided love..
It hurts not for you  didn't  get its reciprocation but you feel your  feelings aren't respected the way u respected theirs... What is that respect  here....?
Selfishness to spend time with someone makes us feel that in xyz manner, the one we love should  spend time with us but...
A forced time spent  together isn't going to last  neither will give pleasure... Therefore,   if you love someone, let  them BE.... Let them do things that  make them happy... (sometimes  that could be also to let them  love someone else)... Its hard, but to respect that  loved ones wishes... Is the toughest and hardest step towards  showing that RESPECT for YOU LOVE THEM... and Not FEAR them... Fear is the insecurity which can only hold on to superficial  relationships... True ONES  need  not FEAR as some day this  RESPECT  will bring back GENUINE  LOVE which is ever lasting....
This needs mental strength and will help in transformation of an individual into a more balanced  individual... Its worth  giving it a try....
It feels  great to see the one you love GENUINELY  HAPPY... and by setting them free, you have contributed  the MOST, so that self worth of giving your best to your loved one is felt too...
Love  but RESPECT that love....

Monday, August 29, 2016

Take the Charge but get discharged too...

These are  some  few self statements  people make often when they experience a distressed  situation.... Not that  anyone  so  far is spared  of any undesired experience  but well it  is a part of this  clay  self  we are living in and a role we play in this  drama called LIFE....
It is the easiest to POINT  A FINGER... right at our dispersal.... No much preparation  needed... Anything we face that is negative  we are spontaneous at blaming  people, place, fate but we seldom peep into self and something called as innate personality.....
People and pranks are static, only faces change  and situations  change, we get victimized  as we  fail to understand  why are we falling prey to it??? Sometimes... Or rather  many times it is not even intended  to attack us but we fall prey  to blind moves and this  is a very  typical  situation  where an inner world  of an individual  is  not strong  enough to handle  that.
It is easy  to  use terminologies  like SORTED  SELF.... but humans  can  try  to become  Zen, which they  can  after a serious  try  but EMOTIONAL  TURBULENCE is so dynamic  that IT'S  AN ONGOING  process to ACHIEVE  a ZEN state.... Well, these  are  possible for those who internalize , many of us who don't are almost devastated with a slight emotional  low...
So, when I  get  questions like what is a permanent  solution to feeling  high.... Actually its is a simple but Zen term...
ACCEPTANCE... and along with that TAKE CHARGE...
TAKING CHARGE IS...  Understanding  the way we are  wired to perceive  things based  on our different  factors... It is this work which  can make  a huge difference in management of self at that  moment  and future moments of any disturbances....
The process involves  these steps;
Focus on self as an object or goal...
Reconsider the emotional  perception of an event at initial stage  and your individual  state of mind  at that point...
The visions  or expectations  that was developed  due to that  initial  perception  has to be  questioned  and to be transformed into reality... This  stage is where  most  of us get stuck  and feel helpless  as MIND is a very stubborn  child in terms of Emotional  Intelligence and holds  itself  firm and not  change with changing  phases...
This acceptance  is a tedious  job but most important  contributing  factor  in self  growth..
Last  but not  the least.... Never feel that you will never  ever encounter something similar again as life can keep popping up with situation we hate the most till we learn to deal with it  nicely....
So... Do not crib but take charge to help yourself  and discharge  at times from everything to find your true inner self... As ultimate  healing is self dealing..... As a smooth  process...
Love and live
Take the charge and  smiles to give....

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Soul wish....

Soul wish....
My soul has an infant  dream
A foolish yet a secret wish,
Living like a restless  being
Like breathing  without water some fish.
Some with looks, some with  wit
Nothing helped my inner self lit,
I  do not know if my other part
Is restless too on being apart...
My unexplored  paradise within
No one has its magic seen,
It is waiting  for its charming  prince
Peacefully  on his shoulders  to lean.
Many travelled till the door
As if glancing standing at shore,
No one could dare to drown in that sea
For pure a soul  can only drown within....
My means to merge deep
To gain  a spiritual  high,
A journey  from sole to soul
I  want to feel complete and whole.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Divinity is everywhere..... (cultivate the vision to view it, feel it)

Dear Readers,
Today, it was a major internal debate when I  struggled through the process of understanding the path to divinity... I come across  many enlightened  youngsters who have gained quite some self realizations and have strengthened themselves to stand by their decision which aren't  supported by society... Like not getting married or staying in live in relationships for purely  physical  and emotional  needs without a life long commitment  or tying knot but not in the need to procreate.... These people are worth the applaud as they have got the courage to take the stand to their conviction.
I belong to liberal  thoughts and  I seldom judge these young hearts, it takes  courage  to stick to the wants based on each individual  personality. It shows that these people  are clear  about themselves and are peak in awareness  which is a task  many  people don't  even know of and die after living like machines..
Most of these people who take tough stands have an excellent  SPIRITUAL QUOTIENT  and that  is  significant to their divine growth. It surprises me at times when I  wonder, I  was no naive  at that age but nevertheless, I  like my slow  baby steps  towards my SPIRITUAL  life.
The diversities that raise conflicts  are into the path people choose to follow in this journey. I  am probably heading  from a background where humans were given utmost  importance  not for their so called caste, creed, religion  or  communities  but they being humans... I  connect to people very quickly  and its  a pleasure  I experience in meeting  different  people as each has something to contribute in my growth. The sad element  which I personally  experience  in meeting  these people with bubbling energy is that they are in their own way living  in a bubble. It is amazing  to live in a self formed bubble until it gets badly pricked by external  environment.  The generation that is so  vibrant, so intelligent  and dynamic is getting  wasted  only because of their low tolerance  levels and denial issues.
The confidence which made them think  practically and  stand by their  thoughts slowly turned  them into arrogant  ones who can condemn the wrongs  around  but wouldn't  contribute  towards making it right...
Its again a universal  law where if dislike and intolerance of realities around aren't accepted in the right spirit, it might never  let you feel happy  in the space given  to  you.
It works something  like this, after deep Introspection  when life in its totality should be well understood  to reach an acceptance  level of why things operate the way they do. It is never a one man job to bring about a universal  change but it definitely  can give  a kick start  to  help others join in if we  wish to bring about a positive  change in the  society. To start  micro level work to see difference at macro level, it is very important  that we as individuals do not even start  priding over spiritual quotient  we have acquired as that itself is a big hindrance to further growth....
Its  similarities that need  to be considered  to start loving everyone and not the differences in even mindsets which can only distance us from humanity... This distance is an obstacle to the divine... Think about it....

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Spiritual Love...

Spirit... The very reason , I  am able to write this blog, the very reason  you can read this article and for all the  reasons to reason out...
I was  wondering if all of us can feel things to the core and if we do know what can those feelings do???? Spirit which is the root to our existence  is governed by the experiences it goes through and is constantly  striving  to make we humans acquire  that ultimate  truth that we are indeed SPIRITUAL  BEINGS WHO ARE HERE TO HAVE HUMAN EXPERIENCE...
While  experiencing  human birth, we experience love as a prime ingredient to take us to  that understanding where no one is different  from  other.. We are all connected to each other via an invisible  thread to which we have our own formed similarities and attachments... Some in particular  gets  attached  to  help us in bringing  about a deeper spiritual awareness  and that person , that  individual  becomes the spiritual love of ones life...
Its easy to give names to relationships people form, its a binding to follow  rules and  regulations to those societal  relationships  but those nameless  ties people get involved  in are  those which occur to humans in an unexpected  way, with unexpected people and its weird in every way  but seems most deep... It is these connections which can leave a deep impact on ones life and help in understanding the universal love which is  the core truth.
In my professional  practice, I  get many couples who are quite  possessive  about each other, people try  being who they are not , not to bring about a change which they want but for proving their worthiness to their partners.... Change is life.. If change is natural, its spiritual  but if its imposed and feared, its a caged love, its a caged relationship....  We are here into close knit relationships  to help each other lift up spiritually  but dominance  in any relationship  will only cause chaos which will give birth to rebellious  souls at a later stage...
We, as humans  are strict followers of scriptures and religious beliefs  but we do not realize the underlying  intentions  of all these... None of it teaches to hold people into handcuffs and slave them  as per rules and regulations  and norms... In Fact, these were formed for a systematic  way of  living  under ready acceptance  of people around thus, the ACCEPTANCE  as a fact is killed somewhere and every act humans do is services  towards ego satisfaction in society .... Where is the self acceptance  and pleasure  at a core level vanished?????
Love, is the prime ingredient of any relationship and love by itself is a free spirit... It cannot be caged, imposed or destroyed... It is eternal  in its way, it cannot have a method , it is free willed... But we seldom have faith in that... Because we lack faith in ourselves... If its love, it has to there, forms might change, feel cannot.
I, try  telling  people, if you love  someone  so  deeply, so intensely, don't  hold them into your clutches... They would  feel suffocated... Rather, love them  let them love you the way you are  and if you have experienced  spirituality  with this love, it is immaterial  whether they fall in love with someone  else as, they WILL WITNESS YOUR PRESENCE even if they  are with other  people.... This is the purity, strength and magic of spiritual  love....
Its difficult  to love someone in a  manner, to let them go somewhere else, but its a beautiful  feeling  to let your love find love and finally feel YOU wherever they go... That's  Love....
It requires  a deep connect with self and an extreme  level of spiritual quotient  to fall in love like that....
Love yourself to love all....

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Should GIRLS touch BOYS without permission...?????

This post is dedicated to my son , who popped up this question  yesterday  while discussing  his school  matters....
Although, me at this stage is a complete  non believer  of gender differences  at a macro level but kids too who start of as civilized  people by learning  the basic  differences in genders and later the do s and don't s of the behavioral  patterns with other gender.... End up in confusion..
Society is so complexed in nature... When a baby is  conceived, its a life that  will be surfacing the earth but as science progressed to keep a check on health of the baby in womb , sex detection and discrimination  emerged with equal force. From a human  life, we divided that into differences via genders, colour, race, etc but major  being two broad categories... Male and Female...
As kids, we are unaware of these differences and are most sorted; but  as we become conscious  we either  get into a shell or become over  inquisitive to learn about the other gender....
Its natural to have an attraction towards the opposite gender with growing  age and needs but as a general norm of society  when cultures  put a  restriction  on behaviors amongst genders why isn't a uniformity maintained  and if not there shouldn't  be a stigma as well.
TOUCH... to me is always more prominently, a mental  or emotional impact an individual  can have on me but many others  are expressive  in physical  terms  or  are just too indiscriminately  following  an approach of equality....
With growing  crime and growing  mental manipulation  even a friendly touch especially  from a male to a female can call for  a legal  action and melodrama.... It is  a win win situation  in the case of girls who also can completely  rub their bodies against  boys, pretend an accidental fall over them, faint in their arms  and seduce them by all indirect methods  and yet remain a POOR GIRL... who  was inappropriately  touched by a boy.... OMG!  How can a boy behave that way????
Well, I  have met so many  young adults who couldn't  get out of a relationship only because they were physical with their girlfriends who really initiated  the moves and later, were there ready with  allegations  that 'He USED me...'...
Well, well, folks, lets understand  this very clearly... Both  girls and boys equally  need one another's  touch  (mental and physical)  but living by pseudo  norms of society  where boys are condemned to touch girls and girls can roll over them completely without  guilt is UNFAIR....
Boys  might have more physical tendencies  which definitely doesn't  mean they don't  have a preference or choice... Not that they  enjoy all girls flirting with them, they  might just have a little lesser physical  control  on being seduced... Thus... It is very natural to seek one another but as norms it should be more clearly  explained to both  boys and girls to not BOTHER  any individual (boy or girl)  either mentally or physically  and  if one is given the permission to abuse or exploit the other, both should be given equal rights to self defend ...
As parents, girls should be also trained to respect boys which today under the vogue of FEMINISM  is absolutely  taken  undue advantage of and they shouldn't manipulate  boys into any non consensual physical  act and if its consensual  it should  be taken  complete personal responsibility  there of...
Thank you...

Friday, August 5, 2016

So do you have a humorous element????

I  can LAUGH all my life on jokes sick jokes as well as intellectual ones... I  am sure  many  of us wouldn't mind that....
I tried to figure out that why people eventually  only crave company of those who can make them laugh...
Laughing  makes us feel rejuvenated instantly and that  actually helps us get back to face serious life challenges with  more zest. I  truly  love and adore those with that streak who can lighten the environment by their witty  humor and  jokes...
Every  moment in life we can either choose to pick a humorous  side of a situation or a serious side... People who have a personality  to portray themselves as very sensible, intelligent  usually do not appreciate and entertain  jokes as they feel its murdering  the productive serious  moments but the truth is to attain seriousness we are self sufficient... All we need is our thoughts and associated worry... There appears  a very very serious  moment... But to get happier and feel lighter we need someone who can skillfully and at times unintentionally help getting  us out from that zone...
Jokes are also highly  depended on the  thinking ability of the  person, intellectual  capacity, etc thus  here it is like walking  on a tight  rope if the receivers aren't at par with the humour pouring minds ...
In nutshell, not only females  like guys who can make them laugh  as in INDIAN  scenario females are expected to not laugh  loudly too.. Thus secretly they admire guys who can help them in bringing out that naughty element out from them.... But all individuals  prefer  staying in company of those with a humorous element...
I, never fulfilled the requirements of an ideal Indian Girl, and lived by my attitude (as much as I  could;)  thus I would chill around with people who  could make me laugh  my heart out and my mom surely objected that to which  I  still have a  non convincing  approach... But as I  started to speak up light heartedly around, I  realised  people in general  love to feel lighter and not end up feeling  burdened with  environmental  stress....
Its, therefore  a strong personality  trait to have a sense of humor , which shouldn't  be judged otherwise  by labeling such people as devoid of feelings and seriousness, in fact these people have an entire different side to them which is very intense, compassionate  and sensitive...
Thus... Its not essential to make every issue a matter of life and death .. Lets laugh at routine issues, its  OKAY to  laugh at our problems... It surely doesn't eliminate the problem area but will help HEALTH being a little  less affected in the process...
Its a free tonic, a free mood uplifting  pill.. To laugh it out and CHILL...
Take care

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Why we need permanence???

CONFUSION  or DISSATISFACTION  are another names for human beings....
Whether we agree or not, we as Humans work our whole life through in having a stable life and eventually look out for changes to spice up the stable life....
I would as usual  prefer quoting  self to others as it irritates  me soo many times to  crave for things not essential  or needed as there has to be something we need to continuously look for.... Since last few years though, I  know what is it I am  looking at as I   do realize with  my so called introspective  technique that only  thing that  I  seek which is permanent  but not is SOUL within....
There are so many life  challenges and distractions that  often don't  let me stay focussed... I  remember  my school days too when I  very faintly tried my hand at spirituality  but with onset of adolescence  and societal  needs there was a need to settle down which makes many or most of us enter into marital bond... This isn't an end too, now to grow further at societal level all married couples  do seek children and want to enjoy the status of parenthood  which surely  lifts up many souls in terms of understanding and compassion... But again, there is still  a long way to go.... We all need to prove perfect  parents to our kids, perfect  spouses to our partners and perfect  children to our parents.... Most importantly "PERFECT INDIVIDUAL"  in  societal  context and the marathon  goes on and on....
In an urge to acquire a permanent  status of PERFECT LIFE AND PERFECT INDIVIDUAL  we bring about crazy  changes  in our life and say magically  if many who  are successful in acquiring that  said status... After flaunting and relishing the pleasure of societal  applause , we suddenly  somewhere start getting impulsive and anxious  as the  are monotony of that lifestyle they adopted  ONLY for others seems suffocating ...
Thus, the search begins again to look for a change that keeps people motivated to live in that permanent  life they made and chose for themselves....
I am nobody to comment  or judge  the society and its rule but in this rat race of permanence in life we have forgotten that this  very life is temporary and its purpose is towards uplifting that permanent  soul  which also is looking for an universal permanent  destination to merge within  and release  its caging life after life....
Its a devastating  feeling to those who know the realities of this material race and accumulation to be a part of this stage and act out the given roles with utmost conviction to go backstage  and embrace the costume less , original  self to derive PERMANENT  PEACE....

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Prayer is also an Affirmation....

I usually get these spiritual bouts which make me switch from my bollywood tracks to religious mantras and chants... I  instantly  start to feel settled and sometimes some  chants actually set me totally feeling tranced...
It could be my belief, my nurturing or my innate GOD SPOT that shows its effect but the fact remains that most of us PRAY....
PRAYER according to me isn't  for only so called RELIGIOUS  groups but even atheists pray in their way... Their prayer is a simple good wish they make while they carry on with their daily duties.
Nowadays, most of the healers even psychologists use AFFIRMATIONS as a therapeutic measure to help deal with numerous  problems faced by people... Astonishingly it WORKS....
Psychology  might have got its  terminologies  from a few decades or centuries  but mankind is beyond  time zones that is existing and from a nomad they could  turn into  a civilized  individual  is also a result of some Affirmation  working in  collaboration with actions... There was then the religious  spectrum was introduced to manage society on the whole and a common practice  was followed  to recite  or narrate chants or mantras from the time we wake up till we fall asleep... These patterns were termed as prayers....
I was trying to understand what is that speciality in those mantras which can settle my brain nerves.... I  realised the way they  are constructed, the powerful language  used is thus  having its effects with the universal energy  within and around us. People like me cannot pray with mantras on daily basis for a simple  reason that I  don't understand the language  although I  believe in them... Many  of us don't  even bother about the meaning  but with utmost faith keep saying those.... It all works positively mainly  because its a message sent to the universe....
AFFIRMATIONS  on the other  hand are self created  understandable  sentences which also send messages to the universe  to help us get what we want...
Prayer, for me is talking, crying, sharing  my emotions with universal energy and  positively  putting forward my plea...
So, it is excellent  for those who can  pray regularly  but if we don't understand  the language  and mispronounce it, it can sometimes  change the meaning of the prayer... It is essentially  to be said correctly ... Rather intelligently  constructing  an Affirmation  is equally powerful to help us in distress...
Its very important  to pray accurately  as universe  gives us what ever we ask for... How??? Is upto the universal  law...
Pray or Affirm.... Send the correct  message to the universe for it to get manifested...
Be blessed.....

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Law of Correspondence (Universal law of life)

Law of Correspondence......
The last of 7 Universal laws we have discussed in last few weeks.
While most of the laws are inter related and close knit, it wasn't  easy for me to explain  this simple yet most complex  Universal  law.  Suddenly  then, I  saw my make up kit (which I  seldom use... I  don't know why) and it struck me that  when I  need to make  a fake appearance and gather  appreciation, I  necessarily  need my kit to cover up my flaws in my looks.
It is not to be condemned as we all live a life so full of superficial ness that this make over is totally acceptable.
The law of Correspondence is nothing  but a reflection  of our inside world which we experience  outside....  The world  of Social  media  will never make anyone realize  the whole  different world people live in as only make over images of life are posted...
The realization  that  we are too weak to stop anything wrong taking place in our lives was  shaken up when even a deeper fact came to  light that OUR WORLD OUTSIDE IS NOTHING BUT A REFLECTION  OF OUR WORLD WITHIN....
I was victimized with pessimism  till I  decided to test optimism and  faith within.
We all claim to show faith in love, people, optimism but deeeeep within  we live with doubts... These  doubts are the very reasons  and reflections that  emerge as episodes  in life.
Doubts emerge due to  excessive  rational knowledge  and  lack of self belief. If I  elaborate  this  fact in simple words..
We have seen many RELIGIOUS /RITUALISTIC  people undergoing Maximum  physical, emotional, financial  distress... It is surprising  to see people showing so much of external  belief and faith  land into extreme  troubles... This is because  many are over rationally learned and many are at basic  level ignorant about own  self.... Both these people have hidden fears, doubts which wipe out their make up of faith and land them in trouble.
To implement  law of correspondence, it is extremely  important  to understand  that  we need  to under go a PARADIGM SHIFT, most  of the healers today teach  this , I  don't  know how much  people practice themselves  as it is a shift at  the innermost  layer that  can generate  a positive, healthy  thought to reflect  into a real positive  life.
We all crib and cry over our life  issues but if we reflect  within  we can understand  its core  problem ... Thus life mirror will  not  cease to show us a real image of ourselves... Making up for distorted  thoughts  through temporary  behavior  balancing  is  short lived, thus  to  be able  to see a beautiful world outside  lets
Visualize our  inner beauty which is pure  and we are all born with at par, we blur it to an ugly look by our contaminated  thoughts....
Before wrapping  up this topic a simple example, I  find  many people who choose a profession, partner  for their ugly selfish  purpose  and eventually  do not find either  peace  or profit  in indulging  into the same. Noble professions like teaching  and  medicine  are exploited for monetary  gains and we see in world today  we have a huge population  who is SICK, PHYSICALLY  and MENTALLY....
Let's  work towards extending a great positive  life to  all around us by imbibing  pious  thoughts  within ...

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Law of Attraction (Universal law of life)

Law of Attraction.....

Law of Attraction  is not whom or what we are attracted to physically  but attraction at mental level.... about our OWN SELF and LIFE...

We all have somewhere within developed and created an entire world for ourselves  which is paradise and hell at  different places...

Human  mind  has a gluing  tendency towards all negative  events occurred in our lives or lives of someone very close to us. These negative  thoughts settle down somewhere  deep to continuously  guide our subconscious  and therefore  we might seldom realize  but our subconscious thoughts are mostly  negative...

Lot of things already known about how strong our subconscious  mind is... We also need to now understand  that  this strength is the pulling string of what we finally  get in life via LAW OF ATTRACTION... our Thoughts  have attracted  these facts in our lives..

Again, I  would  relate to my life here with  a very  casual   episode.... While in my accounts  class in final year of graduation , we once had a motivational  speaker... After the talk we were asked about our goals in life... Since it was conducted at an educational institution  or since each one was a student  who will soon step into  the rat race of life in terms of earnings , etc everyone  mentioned  about their ideal career  goals, some  might have really DECIDED on that while some might have JUST  SAID for the sake of it... When I  was suppose to answer  I was hunting for a  UNIQUE  reply (as I  hate being COMMON), to which I  said  "I  aspire  to have a peaceful and satisfied  life"....
Well, to be honest I  didn't  even probably know its true meaning  as this reply  was meant to only IMPRESS the people  with my uniqueness  and having said that all eyebrows were raised to perplexed  look and the speaker smiling  down as if I  m quite  matured...

The thought started building  in later after I  said that... I  kept thinking about its meaning  and now I  realize  that I  didn't  do anything  GREAT in life  (both personally and professionally)  as I never aspired  anything  extraordinary  but the important  part is I WAS HAPPY as well WITH WHAT I  HAD...

This LAW OF ATTRACTION worked in my life without me realizing  that I  actually  called for a satisfied life... Of course satisfaction is subjective, not stable in nature but on major and overall at a macro level, I was....

Now, that I  understood  the existence of this amazing  law, I often use this at deeper level  to give my best to each case I  handle.... Miraculously, it works....

We thus here have to get to that ultimate thought we have buried or is existing  as that can MAKE or BREAK  us..... To understand  its meaning  is the next step for its occurrence.

Here are few steps to get immensely  benefitted by this amazing  law of life:

1. Make a note of  repeated thoughts and feelings  experienced  by you.

2.Try dwelling  deep into those thoughts to find out exact meaning  or exact need of yours... If you get stuck here  do not hesitate to either go to a professional  or give your self more dedicated, concentrated  effort to understand  the underlying meaning.

3. Step 2 is time  consuming and dicey , but once sorted, step 3 is easy to implement. This step involves  visualizing  or imaging  the ACTUAL DESIRE as that is the way we call for it or attract it.

4. Having an extremely  clear vision  is very important here  as this  helps the universe to get  the correct message via our subconscious... Thus be careful  and precise in the imagination  process.

5. Dedicated  time each day if given to the hidden desire in this manner, enables the LAW OF ATTRACTION  to work on the way we want it to not the way  it will on its own.

Thoughts  are ongoing... Thus we cannot stop them, therefore if these can be directed to a goal  seeking mechanism, it helps us positively....


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Law of Expectation (Universal law of life)

Universal law of life  # 5
Law of Expectation......

We all start  forming our Life Expectation  from either the way we believe  in Ourselves or the Environment... Experiences and Environmental  factors  do influence  our expectations  about ourselves  but majorly  it is our own self developed  thought process which decides what we get.....

After being judged  by  people around we create a self image  which mostly  is based upon others views about US. I  mentioned  in my last  topic that  I  did undergo severe  self esteem issues  but now that I  realize  that  heart of hearts I did know that  since I  never intend bad for others, I do not carry negatives within me as far as life events  are concerned.

Well, life is all about good and bad but being pessimistic  about self has a great impact on such events happening  in REAL. A little reality check  helps in self improvement  when conduct and efforts are concerned, so  it isn't  essential  to keep having  self praise all the while but a futuristic  tool to overall shape up our life, its important  to expect  BEST to happen  to us and all that has happened  till now;how it has helped to bring out the BEST in us is what should be aimed at.

As children, we all dream of an excellent , ideal life but others opinion start  dominating our own expectations  from our life to which many of us become negative  in their  approach  and lead such stressful lives..

To quote  a simple  example  here, I often come across  people  who have trusting  issues. These people somewhere feel everyone around them is there to cheat them in one way  or the other. Thus, they  either form rules if they can or bargain  and love to be felt  that  they have outsmarted the opposite  person. The truth  here  is such  people  win around in routine  situation  and get big time dumped  in life  where things  aren't  in their control  but will not start to think in a different  manner that, why do we expect  people to cheat? If they do, they will  face it in one or other  way, why  we take the stress????  And if we are cheated by xyz, we might also  get unexpected  benefits  from a different  source to get  compensated...

A simple understanding, life is balanced ... We all get what we give... If not physical  even mental negatives and positives play an important  role in giving it back to us... Thus, EXPECT POSITIVE  THINGS, POSITIVE  PEOPLE  to Experience  that  in LIFE....

EXPECTATION  =  EXPERIENCE..... Try  this...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Law of Belief (Universal law of life)

Law of Belief....
Belief... ... A very very crucial  element in making our personality.... Seems untrue but given a closer look at this factor, its very simple to figure out the life events and personality  of any given  human being  is majorly  influenced  by  his/ her belief systems.
As children, We ONLY believe in our parents, it is through  them we either start  believing  in GOD, books, people, virtues, etc.
In second  phase, our beliefs  either add or change with what  we witness in our environment , it could be at school, at  home, within society  (if closely  connected) and  most important  part FRIENDS.
Phase three, is the final phase but ongoing till we die  and that  is our EXPERIENCE. Experience with  our own self at what  level has it affected  contributes largely to our changes in our beliefs in adulthood. These beliefs either change with yet another  mind boggling  experience  or would  take strong  roots to guide our lives.
I generally  love to quote  self as an example  as that's  the strongest  subject  I know of.... Me as a child  was born with an inferior  personality  and with a very fragile  self esteem and that  resulted  in a tragic episode  in my pre teens... Having  survived that  episode , yet another trait of guilt  took over me and my inferior  self was getting  stronger. Parents  were clueless  about my inner turbulence  but belonging  to GOD FEARING family, an additional  fear factor was showing  its own reactions.
Thus, my beliefs  were all shallow  as far as my potential  was concerned, my own humanity, my acceptance  in society was all in doubts and thus I can only  say I  didn't  believe  in anything strongly but FEAR of rejection  was building  up high....
Here comes the turning  point, my FEAR which turned  out being my belief , infact the only one and a strongest  one, it proved itself when I  faced it in my early 20 s..... This EXPERIENCE  changed my fear into faith as I could neither  run away from  problem  nor did I  know how to face it but LIFE demanded to MOVE ON....
THE MOVING ON....  Was something that my belief in my internal goodness took over and I  decided to see where LIFE  takes me, I  was then somewhere starting  to feel that  my inner most self isn't  negative  thus nothing  BAD can happen  to my life and there..... MY FIRST POSITIVE  STRONG BELIEF IN MYSELF showed its results  when I  was leading  a decent  life....
Having  experienced this too, my fears weren't  completely  taken away , it only got replaced and then it was my psychological  study in its practical  implementation which came into picture.
I realized  by  then that my fears are  pulling  me away from my achievements, success, and most importantly... My PEACE. 
This  is the time my belief system  is working in my benefit where I  do my bit in everything  but ultimately  rely on the strong universal  law which doesn't  essentially  give me a good time always but I  can move on with  an understanding  of what  each life event gives us and how do we use it  to further  enhance our lives...
In nutshell, we as grown ups should  be extremely  careful in not caging our kids into a belief  that has conquered  us (unless it is fear free and positive) and understanding  a simple  formula to replace  negative  beliefs is to see for self the BELIEF SYSTEM  HAS A STRONG  HOLD ON LIFE EVENTS, thus to reduce
Or eliminate unfortunate  episodes, lets build a strong  positive  belief which can govern the quality of  our life.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Law of cause and effect (universal law)

Karma in Hinduism means Action but I would like to use the Buddhist meaning here which means Deeds(Actions) with Intentions.....

Law of  cause and effect , an universal law  states that each action has a reaction.... Action (karma) is what we as humans  essentially  are bound to indulge into. Religious  scripts  have  time and again highlighted  the ' karma phal' i.e. Fruits of actions by countless  stories  and examples  to help humans  behave appropriately  and enable a healthy  living  environment  in  society.

Let's  focus on TODAY.... What we understand  and how the  philosophy  of karma is conveniently  changed to suit our physical  pleasures... People today  are divided clearly into  more or less two categories.... 1. Hypocrites and 2. Excessively  blunt /careless.

Each category is selfish but have a different  approach  to gain that selfish motive. Well, karma also doesn't  mean we don't  work for our own selves, infact that's  our primary  duty but while accomplishments  of primary  duties our  greed, insecurities, fears, etc takes over us and we remain engrossed in self.... This evil habit proves negative  when under the stride of self help we intentionally  harm others  and  JUSTIFY  our acts as a NO CHOICE  action.

Its while we are affected  by some  adversity in life , we sit back to think where all we committed  those acts which is showing  such reaction. I  wouldn't  want to get  into birth cycle  and past and future  births etc, which some philosophies  believe  and  some clearly don't... Neither  do we as laymen have any knowledge  about what, where, why we are here thus if ONLY, we focus  in this life  where after adulthood  we do have an independent  thought  process to guide us through, its extremely  essential  to abide by HUMANE laws which are independent  in nature and most common in any religion, community, society,etc.

I started my post with a claim  that I wish to quote  and explain  this beautiful  and most prominent  universal  law by the Buddhist  definition  of KARMA, as it defines it as ACTION WITH INTENTION.... now here people  caged with  fear do try and  perform  good acts which should surely  be appreciated  but the universal  law essentially  shows reaction  where action and intention are on same lines... We today witness  huge population  into  philanthropy, social services, etc but have very different  self prestige issues attached to  those services  and not to really HELP the downtrodden. The reason , it becomes  important  to quote  these examples  is to help people in a bit of reality-check  that the entire  noble  act goes WASTE at an individual  uplifting  level if right intentions  are missing  with a great deed....

To not stretch  it further  more, whatever  personalities  we have, we can assure a peaceful  inner self if this law is understood and  abided by nicely....

Take care...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Law of Accident ( Universal law of life)

The core  seven laws of life  which I  will be addressing  in my current  seven blog  posts are those truths which function around  us, exist right here,   whether  we believe  in them  or  not.

Last post described  LAW OF CONTROL which says that  each one of us need to essentially  take the charge of our  lives  by management  of our minds  which can majorly help in controlling  our internal  state which can later help in smooth  functionality  of our lives.

LAW OF ACCIDENT, is on the other hand  inverse of LAW OF CONTROL .... To understand  this universal  law, to put it simply , to those who do not adopt  LAW OF CONTROL  are automatically  under the influence  of  LAW OF ACCIDENT...

LAW  OF ACCIDENT  means every time an event happens, we either feel like a beneficiary  or victimized  as an element  of that event.  This law gets in action if law of Control  isn't  adopted by  us.

To ease out the confusion, this is how the law works... While  life is all about  situations  and each single event or set of events are advantageous  to some and disastrous  for some, it is very important  to understand  that  if internal state of mind is well groomed to balance its emotional  baggage, it can seldom  or rarely  get affected by external  events but if we aren't  able to bring  our thoughts  under control we often are subject to  any environmental  impact  on our  lives.

To quote  an example here, people who have relationship  issues  generally  are seen blaming  their  partners  in failure  of their relationship  and conveniently  move on to next  level but  if they aren't  aware of their  own flaws there, they again would fall into similar  situations  and end up blaming  destiny, environment, etc for  their  condition. Thus, people  who  do not want to take  charge  of their lives  are often  found  blaming  people and situations  and over the period of time are victims  of extremely  low  self esteem to further deteriorate  their  lives.....

As we all understand  the importance  of high self esteem  in successfully  living our lives , also happiness  is the result  of this  trait  which needs to be maintained  and developed  by self improvement  at every step....

Take  care

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Law of Control..... (universal law of life)

Here we go with our very first  LAW OF LIFE Called  ..... LAW OF CONTROL

The Law of Control states that we feel good about ourselves to the degree to which we feel that we are in control of our own lives. When we are physically, mentally and emotionally controlling the changes in our lives, then this naturally leads to higher levels of achievement, emotional satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. Uncontrolled change on the other hand leads to stress, anxiety, frustration and misery — all of which signifies that our mind lacks discipline, order and structure.

Basically, as kids our nurturing, training  and education  should  essentially  make us quite capable  of taking complete  control  of ourselves. Control in physical  elements  are quite reachable  with  sound  financial  state but other  two elements  are most dicey as they  are not focused well while  we grow and often end up with loss of control with any unexpected  negative event.

Control  of self, is the best  way to  prevent  self from any damage and feel every moment  worth  living. Unfortunately, most  of us aren't  well equipped  with the techniques  to take complete  self control  and thus people with material  resources  and  some  also with  or without  material  power, having used their  given intellect  to manipulate  and conspire other elements  in environment  do establish  a control over them and feel winners  through out....

I would once envy such  people who  would control people around them to feel a sense of power, satisfaction  but as I  started  to search  the essentials  of peaceful  life, I  soon realized  that I  need not feel annoyed and disturbed if I  am unable to control my environment  as my life  purpose  and peace lies only in self control.

The  more I  started to take control  of my self, the more  sorted, confident and relaxed I  felt and my annoyance  towards those POWERFUL  people who all their  lives kept  controlling  environmental  factors  for  personal  benefits turned into sheer sympathy as they were still unaware of UNIVERSAL  POWERS and are under an illusion  that their each game  is played well.....

I see number  of relationships  where usually  women who generally  seek more power but are not equipped  to gain it by their own  feminine  personality  which  can selflessly  do enormous  work  WASTE THEIR  TIME while successfully  spending entire life faking love towards husband, friends, etc for material  power and keep misusing  their trust  till they have  to face  the cruel destiny decisions....

In my practice, at times, I find myself  in a tough situation  where  its so difficult  to get  people  to an understanding  of  this simple universal truth Take Control of  Self, not Over Others especially  not your loved  ones...

In nutshell, its hard but ULTIMATE to have our own mind, body, actions under our control rather than staying  stressed out as in my life, what should be my next move to control  environment ??? This is infact a very pitiable  condition  where ones happiness  is ONLY depended on others behaviour.....