
Seek within....

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Law of Correspondence (Universal law of life)

Law of Correspondence......
The last of 7 Universal laws we have discussed in last few weeks.
While most of the laws are inter related and close knit, it wasn't  easy for me to explain  this simple yet most complex  Universal  law.  Suddenly  then, I  saw my make up kit (which I  seldom use... I  don't know why) and it struck me that  when I  need to make  a fake appearance and gather  appreciation, I  necessarily  need my kit to cover up my flaws in my looks.
It is not to be condemned as we all live a life so full of superficial ness that this make over is totally acceptable.
The law of Correspondence is nothing  but a reflection  of our inside world which we experience  outside....  The world  of Social  media  will never make anyone realize  the whole  different world people live in as only make over images of life are posted...
The realization  that  we are too weak to stop anything wrong taking place in our lives was  shaken up when even a deeper fact came to  light that OUR WORLD OUTSIDE IS NOTHING BUT A REFLECTION  OF OUR WORLD WITHIN....
I was victimized with pessimism  till I  decided to test optimism and  faith within.
We all claim to show faith in love, people, optimism but deeeeep within  we live with doubts... These  doubts are the very reasons  and reflections that  emerge as episodes  in life.
Doubts emerge due to  excessive  rational knowledge  and  lack of self belief. If I  elaborate  this  fact in simple words..
We have seen many RELIGIOUS /RITUALISTIC  people undergoing Maximum  physical, emotional, financial  distress... It is surprising  to see people showing so much of external  belief and faith  land into extreme  troubles... This is because  many are over rationally learned and many are at basic  level ignorant about own  self.... Both these people have hidden fears, doubts which wipe out their make up of faith and land them in trouble.
To implement  law of correspondence, it is extremely  important  to understand  that  we need  to under go a PARADIGM SHIFT, most  of the healers today teach  this , I  don't  know how much  people practice themselves  as it is a shift at  the innermost  layer that  can generate  a positive, healthy  thought to reflect  into a real positive  life.
We all crib and cry over our life  issues but if we reflect  within  we can understand  its core  problem ... Thus life mirror will  not  cease to show us a real image of ourselves... Making up for distorted  thoughts  through temporary  behavior  balancing  is  short lived, thus  to  be able  to see a beautiful world outside  lets
Visualize our  inner beauty which is pure  and we are all born with at par, we blur it to an ugly look by our contaminated  thoughts....
Before wrapping  up this topic a simple example, I  find  many people who choose a profession, partner  for their ugly selfish  purpose  and eventually  do not find either  peace  or profit  in indulging  into the same. Noble professions like teaching  and  medicine  are exploited for monetary  gains and we see in world today  we have a huge population  who is SICK, PHYSICALLY  and MENTALLY....
Let's  work towards extending a great positive  life to  all around us by imbibing  pious  thoughts  within ...

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