
Seek within....

Friday, July 1, 2016

Law of Belief (Universal law of life)

Law of Belief....
Belief... ... A very very crucial  element in making our personality.... Seems untrue but given a closer look at this factor, its very simple to figure out the life events and personality  of any given  human being  is majorly  influenced  by  his/ her belief systems.
As children, We ONLY believe in our parents, it is through  them we either start  believing  in GOD, books, people, virtues, etc.
In second  phase, our beliefs  either add or change with what  we witness in our environment , it could be at school, at  home, within society  (if closely  connected) and  most important  part FRIENDS.
Phase three, is the final phase but ongoing till we die  and that  is our EXPERIENCE. Experience with  our own self at what  level has it affected  contributes largely to our changes in our beliefs in adulthood. These beliefs either change with yet another  mind boggling  experience  or would  take strong  roots to guide our lives.
I generally  love to quote  self as an example  as that's  the strongest  subject  I know of.... Me as a child  was born with an inferior  personality  and with a very fragile  self esteem and that  resulted  in a tragic episode  in my pre teens... Having  survived that  episode , yet another trait of guilt  took over me and my inferior  self was getting  stronger. Parents  were clueless  about my inner turbulence  but belonging  to GOD FEARING family, an additional  fear factor was showing  its own reactions.
Thus, my beliefs  were all shallow  as far as my potential  was concerned, my own humanity, my acceptance  in society was all in doubts and thus I can only  say I  didn't  believe  in anything strongly but FEAR of rejection  was building  up high....
Here comes the turning  point, my FEAR which turned  out being my belief , infact the only one and a strongest  one, it proved itself when I  faced it in my early 20 s..... This EXPERIENCE  changed my fear into faith as I could neither  run away from  problem  nor did I  know how to face it but LIFE demanded to MOVE ON....
THE MOVING ON....  Was something that my belief in my internal goodness took over and I  decided to see where LIFE  takes me, I  was then somewhere starting  to feel that  my inner most self isn't  negative  thus nothing  BAD can happen  to my life and there..... MY FIRST POSITIVE  STRONG BELIEF IN MYSELF showed its results  when I  was leading  a decent  life....
Having  experienced this too, my fears weren't  completely  taken away , it only got replaced and then it was my psychological  study in its practical  implementation which came into picture.
I realized  by  then that my fears are  pulling  me away from my achievements, success, and most importantly... My PEACE. 
This  is the time my belief system  is working in my benefit where I  do my bit in everything  but ultimately  rely on the strong universal  law which doesn't  essentially  give me a good time always but I  can move on with  an understanding  of what  each life event gives us and how do we use it  to further  enhance our lives...
In nutshell, we as grown ups should  be extremely  careful in not caging our kids into a belief  that has conquered  us (unless it is fear free and positive) and understanding  a simple  formula to replace  negative  beliefs is to see for self the BELIEF SYSTEM  HAS A STRONG  HOLD ON LIFE EVENTS, thus to reduce
Or eliminate unfortunate  episodes, lets build a strong  positive  belief which can govern the quality of  our life.

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