
Seek within....

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sexualilty (A divine power of women)

Women, most irresistible creation of GOD...
WOMEN, aren't only irresistible for the many mysterious traits she has but mainly for her power of SEXUALITY.
From ancient times until today, many things might have changed, emerged into progressive ways but the magical power of women's sexuality has always been immensely powerful...
In the divine union of Shiv and Shakti too, woman was termed as SHAKTI, with the power to create that DIVINE UNION, that Oneness...
Whether be it symbolic representation in the form of shiv ling or be it sacred sexual union, it is the oneness which is the prime motto of each individual...
Sex is a mechanism through which that divine oneness can be achieved but how many of us have been able to understand the meaning and essence of SEXUAL UNION...???? Hardly anyone...
Women, an important part in the divine process can initiate the entire magic by here mere presence, her aura, her SEXUALITY...The magical movement within a man is natural when he happens to witness woman's sexuality but the wonders take place when she too is equally eager to merge into that man.... This is a deep process but who has the time and patience to dwell into this beautiful truth...
An individual can have sex with many but that ONENESS can be felt with only one... Thus, there is widespread vogue of having multiple sexual partners and yet on the go, on the move to get something more fulfilling... This syndrome is typically when there is no indepth feel of the so many sexual unions and there is still a wait to feel COMPLETE..
Its not a big deal to get physically involved with people, especially its a very easy task for females if they decide to MISUSE their very sacred power of SEXUALITY...
Marriages in general have taken place using a Man's earning capacity and a woman's Sexuality.. It is many a times a planned move on women's end to manipulate their powers to seduce and trap men.. It could be either to satisfy their material needs or to tame men into safe guarding their security issues but in general, this sacredness is misused to great extent and thus there is hardly any authenticity in the relationship in a deeper level.. Such relationships can call for inner restlessness and mishaps..
Women do realize that they have this immense power in their sexuality but unfortunately it is MISUSED to their limited superficial needs and is grossly shallow minded trait to having exploited such a powerful gift into random uses...
In ancient times, long before civilization women would use this power into creating societal peace by denying their men Sex until they cease their war and conflict with other fellow beings....
If women, can  contribute to such great levels in making society a peaceful place by using their sexuality, why are women today becoming a double standard being to create chaos in surrounding and satisfy their personal needs and egos which are not even long lasting...
The very sacred element now is hence condemned and not respected enough... The sacredness of sexual powers need to be consumed for a deeper, soul satisfying reasons more than a mere physical satisfaction and this is where its divinity lies....
Its a blessing which is cursed for its manipulative use and this is sinful...

Monday, July 10, 2017

T O U C H (E').... me or not... !!!!!

A 'TOUCH'...
The very first meaning that we can think of is a Physical Touch.... But let me highlight other versions of "Touch "...
The very common and most general used interpretation is the physical touch.. One person or one individual feeling the touch of some other individual as an intimate gesture or a friendly greet or an angry blow or just a comforting or security generating hug or blessing seeking humble touch of the feet, etc
Physical touch is a direct way to pass across a non verbal message of the present emotion towards one another...
Again, Indian culture always encouraged more of NO TOUCH greeting styles by Joining two hands with a NAMASTE... which has its own meaning and importance but the world in west always greeted formally with a shake hand and informally with a hug or hi fi...
Nevertheless, this (physical) touch quickly and precisely indicates the hidden vibes of individuals.. Like I personally don't mind shaking hands but I sometimes don't have quite a comfortable feeling after certain shake hands... Hugging still isn't my style and especially when people try showing that warmth when I resist such greetings, that's OFFENSIVE... On the other hand, I am only physically comfortable expressing love towards my babies.. Which doesn't mean I keep hugging them and suffocating them with my love... I only at times prefer to sit next to them holding their hands and that too gives me such immense pleasure.... 
The next touch being Emotional touch.. This touch is not as commonly noticed as physical touch but is definitely more impactful then physical touch as that is a touch without a touch.. It is that impact one can have on another with their humbleness, helpfulness, kindness or may be smartness... These individual traits leave an impression which emerges out of their way they simply behave.
Parents, siblings, relatives, friends etc and all those who are important and don't share an intimate touch fall under this category, thus we are emotionally touched by many people in our lives... This touch goes a long way but has various categories and levels which is different with different people.... Sometimes we tend to start having an emotionally touched feeling towards complete strangers and that is where the profound and most amazing touch emerges...
Spiritual touch...
This is the deepest touch, a touch where no physical thing can ever penetrate and leave an orgasmic feeling.... This is rare and magical... This kind of feeling can emerge even between two known individuals who realize after a long time of their acquaintance when they look upon one another in a more profound manner... Which means.. There are no expectations and no framework of their relationship but they have a very deep impact on one another.... Such profound touch is a SPIRITUAL TOUCH and that's where life starts its transformation... Its a realization, an understanding of self which wasn't possible without this individual's impact and that is what makes theirs a very different connect... Such individuals may apparently cause immense disturbance, a very strange restlessness but leaves us with a deeper meaning of ourselves, our problems and life.... It becomes so much more significant if these individuals unintentionally end up disappointing us too and that too wouldn't make us despise them... Such an impact is ONLY FELT... cannot be explained but a strongly FELT...
Have u ever felt touched in this manner???? If yes, Feel the experience, its divine...

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Undressed by words????

lyrics of a track by Boyzone (a musical group) is surely insightful to peep within the psyche of someone who has been a victim of words being showered upon...
Most of the Love Stories start with glances but what takes it to a next level is usually words...
A very interesting episode I want to quote here is of my two friends, of which when the guy wanted to officially propose that girl.. He chose to write her a letter and it had all possible bollywood content of wooing a girl and it seemed quite a puppy kind of expression to us, we were expecting this girl to probably react in a similar way but astonishingly, she was super impressed and was instantly in love with him.... What made the shift happen was the words that penetrated into her mind..
Thus, once a couple is in Love... There is an intense feeling within which virtually makes them transparent to one another not only mentally but also physically long before they actually go physical.. So the magic of words results in mental to physical penetration without bodies actually working on it....
Words thus can indeed penetrate minds and just like a simple difference between consensual sex and rape... Words can also brutally make someone feel undressed if they are misused...
The technical way of words hitting others remain same but using this strong weapon called words can result into severe damage of someone's self respect miserably good enough to virtually kill a relationship or humanity...
People who claim to be straight communicators can often commit such crimes at great levels.... Reasons being either to outsmart others,  to win over an argument, trying to be humorous at the cost of others, an intentional attempt to insult someone, etc etc.. These are the verbal rapists who love to undress others dignity in public or private....
Its very easy for me to identify such people coz I was a ruthless person when it came to putting down people with various intentions at various occasions merely by using blunt communication techniques but those were the days I was a victim of very poor self esteem and with a torn self confidence, I would do that to stay in the self created bubble of being a head strong person... It was a gradual realization and its late but I am glad I do realize my inability then to Respect Human Dignity....
But, there's another category too, who again on achieving academic​, material and social high do start looking upon others with a superior feel... This attitude too at times can give rise to creation of pseudo power within and an assumption that they are qualified to pass disrespectful comments and jokes....
Sense of humor, is a beautiful thing... I personally love this trait in people and its great to have an intellect to be witty, to crack practical jokes but a very delicate line here is often crossed over as... Its a known fact that Sense Of Humor needs to be excersized at the cost of disrespecting someone.... Its very important to realize and understand how is that victim taking such jokes as many a times, it might lead to soft insult via humour....
To wrap up the write up.. I only wanted to highlight this sharp weapon called words which can  make and break relationships and can leave one feeling either highly Respected or Disrespected with a permanent impact on human psyche....
To conclude .. I want to use this platform to apologize to all those to whom I have intentionally or otherwise been a medium for making them feel bad or miserable by my incorrect usage of words...
Thank you....