
Seek within....

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Law of Accident ( Universal law of life)

The core  seven laws of life  which I  will be addressing  in my current  seven blog  posts are those truths which function around  us, exist right here,   whether  we believe  in them  or  not.

Last post described  LAW OF CONTROL which says that  each one of us need to essentially  take the charge of our  lives  by management  of our minds  which can majorly help in controlling  our internal  state which can later help in smooth  functionality  of our lives.

LAW OF ACCIDENT, is on the other hand  inverse of LAW OF CONTROL .... To understand  this universal  law, to put it simply , to those who do not adopt  LAW OF CONTROL  are automatically  under the influence  of  LAW OF ACCIDENT...

LAW  OF ACCIDENT  means every time an event happens, we either feel like a beneficiary  or victimized  as an element  of that event.  This law gets in action if law of Control  isn't  adopted by  us.

To ease out the confusion, this is how the law works... While  life is all about  situations  and each single event or set of events are advantageous  to some and disastrous  for some, it is very important  to understand  that  if internal state of mind is well groomed to balance its emotional  baggage, it can seldom  or rarely  get affected by external  events but if we aren't  able to bring  our thoughts  under control we often are subject to  any environmental  impact  on our  lives.

To quote  an example here, people who have relationship  issues  generally  are seen blaming  their  partners  in failure  of their relationship  and conveniently  move on to next  level but  if they aren't  aware of their  own flaws there, they again would fall into similar  situations  and end up blaming  destiny, environment, etc for  their  condition. Thus, people  who  do not want to take  charge  of their lives  are often  found  blaming  people and situations  and over the period of time are victims  of extremely  low  self esteem to further deteriorate  their  lives.....

As we all understand  the importance  of high self esteem  in successfully  living our lives , also happiness  is the result  of this  trait  which needs to be maintained  and developed  by self improvement  at every step....

Take  care

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