
Seek within....

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mind power..... 7 blogs and lets understand ourselves better

Friends...All the wonderful  people  who  motivated  me all these months to write my experiences  and thoughts  to bring about an entire different  perspective  of routine episodes...... Thank you each one  ....  now will work on topics where by we have one said subject  and write ups in there  as a    'seasonal  subject  '.

I am extremely  eager to have my readers inputs, comments, suggestions  to all that is  being posted, kindly  oblige..

To start with we are now  starting  with our first  topic for mental growth  and that is Universal  Laws of life....

Life  operates on basic  universal  laws known as universal  truths which help us in our routine  operations and there by give us tremendous  insight.... A basic  and in-depth understanding  of these ensures substantial  mental peace  as it is free from manipulations...

Not  getting  more technical  on what are universal  laws, we hit on may 1st with the first universal law called.... Law of control.

Meanwhile  a feedback  on earlier  blogs  will be greatly helpful....


Stay  blessed!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Truth Tales (tells) soul stirring facts....

True that!
What's  the truth????

For each one of us TRUTH is what we are COMPLETELY  CONVINCED  with.....

No concept , no  book, no  individual  can change  the BELIEFS we live with... These  beliefs are AT THAT  MOMENT  are our Truths....

BELIEFS  are formed  with stories  we hear but strong ones are formed only  with  the experience  we have had....

My recent  encounters with my own self where I  know my preferences  better than what I  knew few years back..... It was  amazing  to now have my beliefs rationalized  with  my own experiences  and  that gave me a different  level of confidence  with myself....

This  true realization  about  self was mesmerizing  and I  never knew that  how difficult  will it be to let people  around me introduce  to this new self of mine I discovered.... After handling of complications  around and still  feeling  great about being who I am... I  was more in love  with  transparency .

The effects  of truth that  can be seen in our various  relationships  are:

1. Love :

People  we felt who  loved us and claimed to have fallen  in love with  us for  what  we are and not what  we look like or can give in return  can show some mind blowing  changed unexpected  reactions and the TRUE  hidden colors  automatically  reflect out as... We stood by our true feelings which  wasn't  easy  to be accepted  as it was too true to be good... So  lessons  we learn as we portray our true  self, however  sweet it is, it is hard to find that,   if we go against  the demands of  someone  who  claims  to love us but fails to understand  us  and  cannot respect your preferred  choice at that moment....

Most relationships  where  agreement  happened  only to save someone  from drifting  apart isn't  a long term  relationship  to cherish, relationship  should  be as matured to accept each  other's  choices  at times and reveal discomforts  to  one another..

Friendship :

Friends  are those who are aware of your  drawbacks  but still want you in their  life for  your positives.... As and when a changed true personality  can encounter  friends  in general , your  non conformity  to many issues might crack the bond but its a great way  to know who still stands by you to give you that individual  space and respect  to enhance your  internal growth.... Friends  who can make others puppets under the wraps of friendship  are those  who are far far away  from their own self.....

The more I  know  myself, the more I  understand  others  and  that  does bring about  a turbulence  in life but it surely  helps me in a peaceful  mental state....

Love each one for their individual  qualities.... Its easy to live happily..

Friday, April 15, 2016

Who cast the spell of CASTEISM????

Aren't  we all educated right  from birth as to what CASTE we belong  to???? Its an important  curiosity  raised within a child when everywhere  in any institution, organization, record its mandatory  to fill up the caste column.....

No one would  like to  thus leave it blank and therefore  after gaining  the knowledge  of CASTE name, we would want  to or are forced  to dwell deeper into  its glory and the fortunate  feel being instilled  within if an individual  is born into a higher caste....

How was this hierarchy  of castes decided, with  my very limited  knowledge , I assume it  is vedic as per Hindu  religion  and among other communities  and  religions  it must be as per the originator  of that  particular  caste  and  sub caste based  on different  philosophies  of different  spiritual  leaders.... Thus emerged  an entire big ocean of CASTES, COMMUNITIES, CREED, RACE, RELIGION, ETCETERA, ETC.

If everything around  us is a boon or curse, I  guess the positive  aspects  of creating  Castes  and religions  are more of a curse today  as nowhere its essential  meaning is being acted upon.

The law and order, regulations  and rules to  help smooth  functionality  of humans was the idea to bring upon these, religion  being a way to attain spirituality  and  religious  scripts  to have a controlled and humane approach in societal  operations are now turned  into FEAR BASED religions  and  DIFFERENTIATION  BASED  castes.....

I have witnessed  pride in many so called higher castes on the basis  of  that mentioned  in Scriptures and like wise an indirect hatred and dislike, almost  looking down upon those born under other castes.... Was  this the intention  on creating  CASTEISM???? If not, the so called highly learned class today who have academic  proficiency  but no humane values as that  particular mental work is governed by fear, pride and manipulated  thoughts against  other  people.....

Every tradition  is created with  a good intention but we often forget rather do not even  bother to understand  as to under what given condition  a particular  ritual /tradition  or hierarchical  CASTEISM  was  given rise to and what  were the underlying  intentions  to follow them....????

If today, with intellectual  contributions  we can replace cooking on fire with  gas stoves and electric  stoves as we understand  that purpose  of cooking  has to be  fulfilled  not the same method as times have changed.... Similarly  with globalization , when everyone  is freely traveling  everywhere  and immense exchanges  of ideas are taking place, why do we not extract the  ESSENCE  of  our religious  teaching  and values for  HUMANITY  PURPOSE  and gain our SPIRITUAL  PROGRESS  TOO?????

To my astonishment, the more I  find  people  immersed into castes, religions and rituals, the more insensitive and inhumane  they tend to become towards all who do not belong  to their group or subgroup....  Many might not uprightly show  the difference to carry on with  their professional  benefits  but have  nurtured a differentiated  feeling  toward others...

This  herd mentality , which the so  called INTELLECTUAL  MAN is following  is degrading  their  spiritual  growth.... Its sad but true that spiritual  and material  growth  are inversely  proportionate ...

Millions of  temple, mosques, churches, etc  with tremendous  amount  of mental  and physical  contributions  to religious  methods are still not able to reduce  or control  the growing  hatred of MAN vs MAN....

Let's  stick to our core  reality of being a
HUMAN first and then everything  will be clearer  to adopt  as much needed to bring PEACE and HARMONY....


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


I  don't  even have to imagine, I  know how many of you must have understood or rather visualized  CLEAVAGE as one typical meaning  we have all know ever since.... But... There's  a little  disappointment  here... I  don't  really mean to make you lovely  people focus there, CLEAVAGE , here means a separating  line...

I wondered  what was so  attractive  about  cleavage and when I  was searching  for its hidden psychological  reason , it was  obvious  that  one organ which got  a separation gave it that aesthetic value leaving apart its functionality......

Any thing thus can be viewed  either as a whole  or in  parts..... What made this  cleavage meaning so wonderful  here was that if any life issue be considered  on its overall values and in its factorization , we  often find  that not all are as bad and as difficult  to handle and some might actually  prove  exciting.

Like, the food we eat.....meals  usually  have more than two or three items and we all know  it basically  means  to all give us nutritional  value  but to lead to its  main function  we relish it by eating them separately even if arranged in a plate, it has to  be served distinctively to bring about  a notice  to enjoy every dish thus prepared....

It was a very random comparison  but it did give me some meaning  thus would like  to share.... Life has its different  dishes to offer and all  of them can't  have same taste but if mixed together  can  give a very dirty  picture thus, we need to be mindful  at  tackling  all major and minor  issues  separately  and then enjoy an overall  view to yield maximum out of our problem  solving  capacities......

Mental issues  will be prevented  at great lengths is small issues are settled  at their  individual  levels and not let it build up on our psyche so deep to encounter  an ugly mental state and health....

Take care