
Seek within....

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sexualilty (A divine power of women)

Women, most irresistible creation of GOD...
WOMEN, aren't only irresistible for the many mysterious traits she has but mainly for her power of SEXUALITY.
From ancient times until today, many things might have changed, emerged into progressive ways but the magical power of women's sexuality has always been immensely powerful...
In the divine union of Shiv and Shakti too, woman was termed as SHAKTI, with the power to create that DIVINE UNION, that Oneness...
Whether be it symbolic representation in the form of shiv ling or be it sacred sexual union, it is the oneness which is the prime motto of each individual...
Sex is a mechanism through which that divine oneness can be achieved but how many of us have been able to understand the meaning and essence of SEXUAL UNION...???? Hardly anyone...
Women, an important part in the divine process can initiate the entire magic by here mere presence, her aura, her SEXUALITY...The magical movement within a man is natural when he happens to witness woman's sexuality but the wonders take place when she too is equally eager to merge into that man.... This is a deep process but who has the time and patience to dwell into this beautiful truth...
An individual can have sex with many but that ONENESS can be felt with only one... Thus, there is widespread vogue of having multiple sexual partners and yet on the go, on the move to get something more fulfilling... This syndrome is typically when there is no indepth feel of the so many sexual unions and there is still a wait to feel COMPLETE..
Its not a big deal to get physically involved with people, especially its a very easy task for females if they decide to MISUSE their very sacred power of SEXUALITY...
Marriages in general have taken place using a Man's earning capacity and a woman's Sexuality.. It is many a times a planned move on women's end to manipulate their powers to seduce and trap men.. It could be either to satisfy their material needs or to tame men into safe guarding their security issues but in general, this sacredness is misused to great extent and thus there is hardly any authenticity in the relationship in a deeper level.. Such relationships can call for inner restlessness and mishaps..
Women do realize that they have this immense power in their sexuality but unfortunately it is MISUSED to their limited superficial needs and is grossly shallow minded trait to having exploited such a powerful gift into random uses...
In ancient times, long before civilization women would use this power into creating societal peace by denying their men Sex until they cease their war and conflict with other fellow beings....
If women, can  contribute to such great levels in making society a peaceful place by using their sexuality, why are women today becoming a double standard being to create chaos in surrounding and satisfy their personal needs and egos which are not even long lasting...
The very sacred element now is hence condemned and not respected enough... The sacredness of sexual powers need to be consumed for a deeper, soul satisfying reasons more than a mere physical satisfaction and this is where its divinity lies....
Its a blessing which is cursed for its manipulative use and this is sinful...

Monday, July 10, 2017

T O U C H (E').... me or not... !!!!!

A 'TOUCH'...
The very first meaning that we can think of is a Physical Touch.... But let me highlight other versions of "Touch "...
The very common and most general used interpretation is the physical touch.. One person or one individual feeling the touch of some other individual as an intimate gesture or a friendly greet or an angry blow or just a comforting or security generating hug or blessing seeking humble touch of the feet, etc
Physical touch is a direct way to pass across a non verbal message of the present emotion towards one another...
Again, Indian culture always encouraged more of NO TOUCH greeting styles by Joining two hands with a NAMASTE... which has its own meaning and importance but the world in west always greeted formally with a shake hand and informally with a hug or hi fi...
Nevertheless, this (physical) touch quickly and precisely indicates the hidden vibes of individuals.. Like I personally don't mind shaking hands but I sometimes don't have quite a comfortable feeling after certain shake hands... Hugging still isn't my style and especially when people try showing that warmth when I resist such greetings, that's OFFENSIVE... On the other hand, I am only physically comfortable expressing love towards my babies.. Which doesn't mean I keep hugging them and suffocating them with my love... I only at times prefer to sit next to them holding their hands and that too gives me such immense pleasure.... 
The next touch being Emotional touch.. This touch is not as commonly noticed as physical touch but is definitely more impactful then physical touch as that is a touch without a touch.. It is that impact one can have on another with their humbleness, helpfulness, kindness or may be smartness... These individual traits leave an impression which emerges out of their way they simply behave.
Parents, siblings, relatives, friends etc and all those who are important and don't share an intimate touch fall under this category, thus we are emotionally touched by many people in our lives... This touch goes a long way but has various categories and levels which is different with different people.... Sometimes we tend to start having an emotionally touched feeling towards complete strangers and that is where the profound and most amazing touch emerges...
Spiritual touch...
This is the deepest touch, a touch where no physical thing can ever penetrate and leave an orgasmic feeling.... This is rare and magical... This kind of feeling can emerge even between two known individuals who realize after a long time of their acquaintance when they look upon one another in a more profound manner... Which means.. There are no expectations and no framework of their relationship but they have a very deep impact on one another.... Such profound touch is a SPIRITUAL TOUCH and that's where life starts its transformation... Its a realization, an understanding of self which wasn't possible without this individual's impact and that is what makes theirs a very different connect... Such individuals may apparently cause immense disturbance, a very strange restlessness but leaves us with a deeper meaning of ourselves, our problems and life.... It becomes so much more significant if these individuals unintentionally end up disappointing us too and that too wouldn't make us despise them... Such an impact is ONLY FELT... cannot be explained but a strongly FELT...
Have u ever felt touched in this manner???? If yes, Feel the experience, its divine...

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Undressed by words????

lyrics of a track by Boyzone (a musical group) is surely insightful to peep within the psyche of someone who has been a victim of words being showered upon...
Most of the Love Stories start with glances but what takes it to a next level is usually words...
A very interesting episode I want to quote here is of my two friends, of which when the guy wanted to officially propose that girl.. He chose to write her a letter and it had all possible bollywood content of wooing a girl and it seemed quite a puppy kind of expression to us, we were expecting this girl to probably react in a similar way but astonishingly, she was super impressed and was instantly in love with him.... What made the shift happen was the words that penetrated into her mind..
Thus, once a couple is in Love... There is an intense feeling within which virtually makes them transparent to one another not only mentally but also physically long before they actually go physical.. So the magic of words results in mental to physical penetration without bodies actually working on it....
Words thus can indeed penetrate minds and just like a simple difference between consensual sex and rape... Words can also brutally make someone feel undressed if they are misused...
The technical way of words hitting others remain same but using this strong weapon called words can result into severe damage of someone's self respect miserably good enough to virtually kill a relationship or humanity...
People who claim to be straight communicators can often commit such crimes at great levels.... Reasons being either to outsmart others,  to win over an argument, trying to be humorous at the cost of others, an intentional attempt to insult someone, etc etc.. These are the verbal rapists who love to undress others dignity in public or private....
Its very easy for me to identify such people coz I was a ruthless person when it came to putting down people with various intentions at various occasions merely by using blunt communication techniques but those were the days I was a victim of very poor self esteem and with a torn self confidence, I would do that to stay in the self created bubble of being a head strong person... It was a gradual realization and its late but I am glad I do realize my inability then to Respect Human Dignity....
But, there's another category too, who again on achieving academic​, material and social high do start looking upon others with a superior feel... This attitude too at times can give rise to creation of pseudo power within and an assumption that they are qualified to pass disrespectful comments and jokes....
Sense of humor, is a beautiful thing... I personally love this trait in people and its great to have an intellect to be witty, to crack practical jokes but a very delicate line here is often crossed over as... Its a known fact that Sense Of Humor needs to be excersized at the cost of disrespecting someone.... Its very important to realize and understand how is that victim taking such jokes as many a times, it might lead to soft insult via humour....
To wrap up the write up.. I only wanted to highlight this sharp weapon called words which can  make and break relationships and can leave one feeling either highly Respected or Disrespected with a permanent impact on human psyche....
To conclude .. I want to use this platform to apologize to all those to whom I have intentionally or otherwise been a medium for making them feel bad or miserable by my incorrect usage of words...
Thank you....

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sexual Repression gives birth to Vulgarity.....

This is a controversial topic in Indian Scenario where every mind is thinking about SEX but prohibited to talk about it... The society is conditioned since generations to remain sexually repressed under the cover of CULTURE...
Molestations within the families and family friends, brushing of bodies against privates, getting erection by mere sight of cleavage and fantasizing kinky sexual actions are all results of SEXUAL REPRESSION....
No particular gender is to be blamed here, it is the imposition of such guilt stricken thoughts that has bought this society to its threshold and now more and more people are out with a rebellious attitude towards breaking free this culture cage.
Culture should not be  forced stopping of something that's a natural flow but channeling the flow in right manner....
Let's imagine, a person deprived of food and water in the name of fasting without his own will and wish... He /she will either sneak out and eat and drink or if under no such option will snatch it to satisfy self..
Many a times, its not real hunger or thirst but inbuilt anger that plays the culprit.
We are blind followers of Religious practices and more dangerously its preachers... Weak minded people who can follow another fellow human being without using self gifted intellect is bound to be imprisoned by so called culture cage. Scriptures are also available in versions of different people and we take them as GOD'S statements... An human at its own SENSITIVE level, with a clean Conscience is far above and far learned than any of the said books... But the point is we are taught to listen to others but self.
Sexual thoughts and needs are basic needs of every individual... To prevent misuse and over indulgence into sexual issues we groom our children to not even mention it or talk of it.... The more we push them away the more they are desperate to know and get involved... Children sneak out to sexual acts because they cannot even talk about it... And that becomes a crime...
We have many so called cultured population within our society who never talks about sex only THINKS about it... And they are the ones highly dominant in their own sexual  life, who can only interact with said opposite sex with a complete vulgar mind and has to remain absolutely alert in keeping up that super cultural image all the time.
I am not promoting sexual talks by hitting on to this topic, my aim here is to bring about an awareness that what we think is culture is actually the cause in creating sexual desperation among the population.
There is a category which is  Maniac... These people are soaked into sexual thoughts 24X7,like those people who are obsessed with food inspite of having it in abundance... (they are excluded from this condition)
There's definitely a line, a limit to everything but here we are trying to deprive people of their basic needs under the name of culture and that is leading to many mental issues.
The kind of cases I have recently, it is more of a liberated lifestyle people are seeking... People are rebellious in taking a risk of their settled lifestyle just to experiment and indulge into a life where there are no limitations....
This urge is generated due to over prevention of natural needs and desires... If giving complete liberation is risky during teens (which is risky) then there should be proper communication and exchange of information from adults in the family to help lead a sexually healthy life for coming generations..
Even, open sexual talk at times can help in venting out of many risky underlying subconscious desires and can help in dealing with self created sexual feelings and can take a call between ethical and unethical moves.
I was wondering, why in our surrounding people are over protective for their women folks but drool over Sunny Leone s nudes and are all over porn sites..... It is that unsaid sexual streak within which gets into a desperation.... Culture I believe wouldn't allow these traits as well....
Culture would be.. Under closed doors, without any supervision,  if two sexually attractive strangers can  sit, glance, express in words about their attraction yet remain poised and calm only because they are committed to someone else and they choose not to be infidel.
Who can do this... Can be truly termed as cultured.... That's what I define culture as...
****Apologies if I ve hurt anyone but my purpose was general awareness ONLY not targeting anyone in particular ***

Friday, June 16, 2017

So, YOU DON'T SAY.... NO????

Oh boy! You couldn't say NO????
This situation is faced by many who are incompetent enough in saying an ASSERTIVE "NO"....
NO... Is not essentially a negative statement... We have been conditioned in a manner where we are trained that if we say NO it will be considered as a negative remark and will be a patch on the image....
Indians specially lack the art of assertive communication... To the extent, they can neither talk assertive nor accept assertive statements... To them people with assertive communication are rude and blunt.. But the very art of communicating with offence free assertive communication is to be PRACTICED and thus implemented.
We Indians are amazing at two ways of communicating.... Sarcastic and passive aggressive (diplomatic) way to communicate..... Psychologically, these are both termed as NEGATIVE COMMUNICATION PATTERNS.... The positive communication is Assertive communication which essentially has these features :
1.I respect my judgment or opinion or view
2.But,I also respect your opinion equally....
These are the underlying beliefs to adopt in assertive communication...
Thus, in a given situation when you are offered a lift from a colleague or an acquaintance where one isn't comfortable accepting it.. A straight NO is indeed RUDE, but saying YES initially and then when you are awaited you VANISH or give a lame reason is even more RUDE... infact, it is more INSULTING then even a straight NO...
in such cases specifically, Assertive Communication is a win win situation for both.... Saying something like, 'Thanks but I am not comfortable in accepting the lift... I am genuinely thankful for the offer'
This is being HONEST to SELF, HONEST to Others and giving due respect to the person/offer/emotion you are rejecting....
People who often either chose to say a YES for everything just to avoid further arguments and negotiations and to escape any communication error simply take care of the immediate situation by saying YES for anything and everything and eventually don't even bother to stand by it....
Such people are INSENSITIVE to their own apprehensions and discomforts and RUDE enough for others as they seldom realise the impact of the FAKE YES which meant a clear NO....
It is a need for each one of us to be liked and accepted by others but being liked temporarily is indeed a A foolish act where more dislike is generated towards the end... People who generally are not fond of their own self will end up into such hypocritical behavior...
Human beings should be primarily sensitive to  their own emotions and then towards others... Such people have fake relationships as they have been fake all their lives... They have unintentionally resorted to FLIGHT MECHANISM where they see a temporary solution to every situation by saying YES and they later elope with their confused state of mind...
People with this trait leave sufficient room for further communication with people by being GOOD ON THE FACE but they lose respect which is the essence of every relationship.... These escapists generally have a troubled inner self and are far away from inner peace.. These type of people are prone to hyper activity and impulsivity as a side effect to have victimized self with so many confusions and conflicts...
Let's learn the repercussions of practicing to become ASSERTIVE...
1. Initially one might end up being blunt and too straight with voice modality and emotional outburst.
2.might have to face allegations of being
rude and insensitive but there's a room for explanation if there's HONESTY...
3.MOST IMPORTANTLY..... There's no mental burden to having lied to someone and a deep relief to listening to your wish and need...
This is the biggest benefit that is derived out of ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION that you have chosen to respect your inner desire and also not kept someone in the dark...
Assertive Communication requires a COURAGEOUS mind and a BEAUTIFUL heart...
Love you all.... Please don't fool around with yourself...

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Blue Rose LOVER!!!!

People in love usually exchange rose at least once in their life... Especially RED ROSE which symbolizes LOVE is most enchanting to love birds and they go ga ga over it... As teenagers , that is the love most of us experience and admire but there are flavors and colors of love at every stage and age....
Rose days are being celebrated in every corner of the world where people can express their feelings in different ways.. Like red denotes love, white symbolizes peace, yellow indicates friendship, pink for like, etc... Apart from these not many colors in roses are common especially in Place that I reside, so wouldn't be much aware of its color and significance....
Its an objectified way to express emotions at the end of the day but in real life there are people in each category that exist.... There would be people we only like or admire, some we really love and want us to love back, some we are plain acquaintances with, some we despise, but my favorite category is the one which is not known to anyone but self...
So many people I know have that secret love within which lives in them and often never dies.... That's not always because it was difficult to manifest that love but because it was selfless in nature....
Blue is the colour that's cold, gloomy, and desire less.... But its a color that seems peaceful too... Any shade of blue, the most vibrant one too cannot create anxiety within... Such is the place we have for someone in our lives and that's our SELFLESS LOVE...
This relationship might be impossible to surface on the societal fronts but this is the one that's deeper than anything else... I can almost relate to the spiritual element with such relationship where the blue rose lover is unaware of your deep love, zero expectations and yet inseparable part.... The most amazing part here is both these people are inseparable for each other but least dependent on each other as well....
We all might have carried on such relationships for ages and yet not known the power and pleasure to be into this as the strong selfish qualities in us only attract us towards those where we get something in return...
This is a human tendency but ultimately the spiritual self wins over.. If not now towards the fag end....
BLUE ROSE LOVER, is that spiritual love which never lets go off you, gives pain only to get a deeper understanding of self and has incredible intensity.... Have you figured out your blue rose lover?????

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Toxic Relationships....!!! (Take a call)

I am wondering, how did I take so long to write something on toxic relationships... When now I open my mental eyes to witness so many I have pulled on for such a long span of time....
I have this weird habit of giving huge benefit of doubts to almost all the people I know, the end result was not bad when my personal growth was concerned, it did reflect a lot of things I needed to change in myself but somewhere in personal front when my close few were concerned some being relatives and some very close friends I was still emotionally getting harmed.... I did blame and worked consistently on my EQ(Emotional Intelligence) levels to bring about a peaceful state within but still something was a miss.
It was then when this insightful thought came up and I realized that I was completely unaware that I was holding on to TOXIC relationships with way too many people.
Like there's this relative of mine who herself has a very very low self image but will not hesitate to put me down when I myself sportingly can crack a joke on self... Similar is a so called VERY GOOD friend who will only and mostly indulge into conversations when she puts down other people criticize or condemn their actions and simply NAG, again an inevitable lady who can only self pity.... Surrounded by people like these, even if there's nothing sad happening in my life, I would be subconsciously pulled into their negative stride..
Such characters are there everywhere, but because of those cultural values instilled in me to keep up good relations with all I was taking in all the toxins. It is a threshold in life where one has to decide if we can overlook such negative people and yet move on with them or if our personalities cannot walk through them we need to leave them at one point.. It will take me a 360 degree turn in my personality to turn off from such people, it is now more a medication for my mental health whether it is a perceived as arrogance or attitude or aloofness.....
One another such relationship that I held on was a childhood friend and I should have taken a hint from the very approach that if its giving me a feel of worthlessness why on earth would any such person be important to me???? It is often a self created mental injury where you go with a platter of Emotional weapons and invite them to assault you with their silent violence.....
Its all about taking a responsibility of self... NO ONE EXCEPT WE ARE ENTITLED TO SELF CARE.. Its waste blaming people and circumstances, its time to MAKE A CHOICE.... with an EQ so poor, for people like me it takes their whole life to take stand but  BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, whatever few years we have to live, lets not live in regret that you didn't take care of your self dignity.... I still don't have ego to accept that few people are close to my heart but I need to give myself the due respect rather than expecting it from those who would only walk over calmly into their comfort zones...
Either ways, being easy is not to allow people to TAKE YOU FOR A RIDE, its about EASILY side tracking too all those who cause us discomfort....
Take care...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

STOP being that TEACHER.....

A school going kid or an ailing old man
Self proclaimed wise, a human creature
Ready to guide, lead and be a preacher
We seldom have learnt yet aspire to be THAT Teacher... 樂樂
Advises are for free, in fact it is the only thing given generously and abundantly to whoever and wherever... I am saying this when my profession is to only COUNSEL but yet this is the core truth we all need to accept.. I can only pass on my academic and experienced knowledge to people approaching me but no one has gained that supreme power to be a life guide to anyone... A simple fact being HUMANS are born out of HUMANS, A formation of cells but yet a DIVINE creation which cannot be captured into books and scriptures.
From the time we begin to read and write and in case of illiteracy, a growth in age, we assume that we have that special ability to teach others.
Teaching worldly matters is bookish knowledge which is learnt after gaining prescribed qualifications from man made universities and there's this tag of a TEACHER given... It is a Noble deed to teach children but NO ONE can possibly take the charge to teaching people LIFE LESSONS as these are those which each individual learns in their different ways.. Life lessons aren't same as virtues and morals and ethics... These too are transferable.... Life Lessons are those special things learnt via life events.
Its amusing to see those specially who are carrying immense weight of their self generated EGO s and SUPREMACY who take up this charge to teach people lessons... These unfortunate people take rejection and apologies way too seriously and march towards becoming a life teacher to someone to merely live peacefully in their self created bubble. If there would have been a vision to see things beyond, no one individual will try overpowering other come what may...
Its now hilarious to see people exploiting someone merely to feel a high to having made them learn something crucial... In fact, its a foolish act to feel high over fellow humans who have created disrespect towards that bubble owner and these so called learned, wealthy or high profile Someones are deteriorating in their own self image.
The practical examples of such dumb heads are destruction of something or someone physically, mentally, emotionally to win over that conflict or difference...
Acid users for rejection of an individual proposal...
Physical, sexual benefits for someone in need of job or favor
Monetary or financial exploitation in exchange of an apology or helplessness
Practically, every one is trying to teach someone else that if he or she is good at exploitation, they are supreme and they better be respected... This is like Robbing Respect which is most difficult to earn but each one wants to SNATCH IT, FORCEFULLY ACHIEVE IT.... The foolish human kind, in the race to capture that RESPECT from fellow human beings are more and more indulged into inhuman acts to ONLY gain DISRESPECT....
In nutshell, we shouldn't condemn ADOLF HITLER, for he had the insanity to openly go brutal to gain the superficial GODLY power, we are even worse, under the skin of nobility, we are on a constant run to teach LIFE LESSONS to all those who are against our belief systems in most cruel ways that can literally make people stop believing in HUMANITY on the whole...
God bless these LIFE PREACHERS and save victimized students of such TEACHERS....

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Explosion of exploitation!!!

Its a explosion of Fake and superficial dramas all around.. Be it intelligence, be it relationships, be it emotions... All around there is this very weird ACCEPTANCE rush.. In fact its not even Acceptance, it is the rush to stand above  others...
Everywhere I turn my face, I see people exploiting someone for their selfish motives, very rarely I find people with mutual love and care where EMOTIONS play genuine role... Each one desires to make it big in life not to HELP others but to EXPLOIT others to merely feel powerful...
Girls have started exploiting their sexuality not for SELF SATISFACTION but for luring MEN and to get their material benefits ... Such sexual exploration isn't LIBERATION, it is sheer misuse of that Vagina and  Breasts....
Men, on the other hand are wrongly motivated in such cases with the myth that all around girls are there to be exploited if they are ambitious or not... Strategies differ as per the role she holds but basic mindset remains same...
Being powerful is a boon which is seldom used for human welfare, it is justified if misused for self pleasures and bodily pleasures even if it means to degrade another human being for the same.
It is heart breaking to learn that people put in tremendous hard-work​, energies, etc to get a position in life ONLY to sleep with anyone and everyone and considering this as a LIFE ACHIEVEMENT....
Sexual Liberation is an entirely different thing where two people  have consensual make out whether it is love or attraction but throwing weight of power and position, in exchange of any benefit if someone is made to give in Sexually or manually it is a filthy mindset and these can probably never get out of the self designed fictional pit where glamour is the essence and the reason which has blind folded them...
There's actually no SUPERIORITY complex existing​, it is INFERIORITY which with many personalities comes out as SUPERIORITY... If these nutcases are hypnotized, one can gather the level of low self worth these people actually have...
Anybody, who knows their self worth will never try proving it to others in any manner, the ones who need to are the ones who desperately need people to approve of them.. They are the ones who don't have an inner voice, depth and are mesmerized by the  power shower by similar kind of souls.
Academic excellence and high public profile has nothing to do with personal humanity laws which unfortunately are neither taught nor learnt.. Only people with immense SENSITIVITY FOR OTHERS can incorporate them into their personal lives... Which means...
People living in self created bubbles should get back to reality check and stop generalizing....
FINANCIAL levels cannot be defined as power imposing element
Liberation does not mean Exploitation of those who have Independent thoughts and
Life is more beyond SEX and MONEY....
Thank You

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Are we ENVY savvy?

Again, an Emotion we all have within at different degrees
and in different areas but is definitely there....
As humans only because we find all those we are envious of better than us, we also want to be in an enviable position ourselves to feel superior to others... I realised this weird game of envy after being a victim of both.. Getting envy category and enviable category as well..
I realised few bitter facts of life... People who envy others the most are essentially and most frequently the near and dear ones who constantly felt as sailing in the same boat and now suddenly one among us is at the top level.... Another category also is very pitiable when people strive hard to become best only among their tribe and communities to walk tall and enjoy a dominant position...
Ultimately, its all a ego race where each ones circle of envy defines their mental growth...
For instance in teenage, one individual who is attracted by another but that another is in love with someone else and there this envy is so common as it is that individual who feels something I deserved is going to someone else.... Now when professionals enter a race, the competition exists between same level people and same company and in personal front with ex classmates who have reached a different level... Also while in marriage people flaunt with their spouses, Children, houses, and lifestyles....
Now, this does not end here, there is this race existing till one dies.. As the race of spirituality ini a country like India.... So basically, envy becomes an inevitable emotion from the time a child loses his /her innocence till death and in the process people forget their spiritual growth....
We are so much involved in comparison with few those around us that we forget the Universe we are entitled to.... We who carry the entire universe within this intangible thing called as SOUL, end up being worse than animals who are into foul play to beat another one who is same as us and completely different than us..
People often forget universal rules of growth and that is very very simple... If we grow with others, the growth is overall but if one grows crushing someone else, the growth is only superficial which ends up as miserable...
The part which makes us spiritual beings is ultimately only peaceful if there is uplifting of others involved, we all have designated assets, which will never go anywhere, then why do we put others down to bring about that temporary fulfillment within us...
I don't know how much I am out of this envy disease but I  heartily wish that I prevent myself on bringing down anyone to prove myself at any point.... This limits my reach as proving myself to a bunch of people isn't my goal.. My goal is my soul which wants to feel deeply connected to all...

The way to reduce the envy effect is to focus on self growth and timely self Introspection to mend our ways..
Take care

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mind your MIND.....

Mind it... If you are a puzzle lover, if you are a analytical  person, if you love to uncover the masks... You are also a strong candidate to CREATE PUZZLING  SCENES FOR PEOPLE....
To simplify this statement, the mentally charged up  people, the intellectual types  and  and all those  who are mind  readers by profession or passion, even an image conscious  personality, all these are  among the so called SMART  category  of population... Undoubtedly, they  do have this characteristic to touch upon a hidden or covered up areas of people's personalities... It is interesting  as that helps understand humans from various  perspectives  but this often  has a side effect on one's own personality to start playing  mental games with people.
I was always interested in peeping  deep into people's  minds to enhance my understanding as a psychologist  and help others  in their blocked areas and then when I  realised how people manipulate others and trap them  into a personal and professional bond.. I  was all the more conscious and careful to prevent myself in not  misusing that skill...
I  often tell my clients, that I  know their all weak areas, all vulnerable  zones  and somehow it is the key to their  mind.... But I  don't  mind tight  rope walking but stick to not  at all misuse their  information.. (which is why my prime goal is to not  make them dependent on me, they need to be with their own self, making decisions and following their hearts) ... This is the outcome of my spiritual  psychology  and not professional psychological practice.... Its painful to see so many people  being used up like puppets specially by those they trust the most as they are  victims to their loved  ones mind games...
Mind Games..
I don't want to speak for or against it but it is a practice people would  generally do in politics, business, etc basically at all material and superficial  levels.. But it kills me when I  witness people in huge numbers  getting victimized  by those  spiritual  gurus, motivational speakers and respected  class  of society who under the power and position of people respecting them they knowingly or unknowingly start misusing that for personal benefits...
I  brought upon this topic  to help people Introspect if they are either victims to someone's mental games or are they busy  playing  mental games for getting their ego satisfied...
After all these  mental techniques to get EGO satisfied , people run to seek  inner peace and there they are victims to someone else's  mind power.... Rather, why can't  we choose to be WHAT WE ARE, STOP DISPLAYING FAKE GOODNESS and be sure enough that people who love them will love them anyway... Why can't we examine our power of originality without these mental agony and MENTAL MISUSE.....
Its cruel to make people love you by fogging their minds... Help them see clearly and they  ll respect you for sure if not love you...
At times it's  important in life to choose where would you want to be in people's  life... In their  MIND or HEART???

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Road to self(soul)

In conversation with myself, I find myself  getting immersed but I  often end up in complaining about  elements that haven't been very nice in my  life... I  love chatting with myself and often realise I keep caring a lot about my external  self, my body image, my professional image and my humane image... Ultimately it was all image... Image itself is the way one is being viewed, judged or perceived by self and others... This image issue was that dragon which never left me since  childhood and I  somewhere felt alienated within my own skin...
Time and again, this realization that I  need to be more in love with  myself, more  indulged into meeting  that interesting  real  me crept up and my efforts began in that direction ... I would walk a few steps and get lost... This happens every time I go on self search...
I  understand every destination has various routes.... The route I chose was in compliance with my personality and emotions and that was to reach myself via souls around me... I was very keen to touch  lives to search self and though it was a beautiful experience  I also noticed its limitations... In this process.. I would start imagining those souls as my destination and would later get disappointed as if its a mirage in the desert...
I can never and will never stop  connecting to beautiful people  around  me, each soul has a story to say that helps me see a new direction  but I  now do understand that sometimes.. Its foolish to get  stuck  at one resting point and get drowned into those emotions....
Due to my emotional bondage in this journey, many people do come across expecting  to bring about changes in me as per their thoughts  and that itself disconnects  me with them, as each one has their own chosen road to reach their soul... Any body causing hindrance indicates the lack of respect and there is the Signal that I  need to bypass certain  speed breakers  to not disturb  my journey or move ahead taking a bit of bumpy ride  and moving in set direction....
Thus, my road to my soul  seems most tedious, most  challenging and full of frictions.... Its like.. Something which is right under our nose is the most difficult to find.... People easily  reach moon, mars, etc where as the entire universe that is within is seldom found....

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Be.. Beyond BED(SEX)

Being Beautiful.... is an asset, a god gifted quality  and being attractive  also is a physical trait worth flaunting but.....  Is that all????
Beauty, good looks, etc have always defined an individuals acceptance levels in society  but this is a first step to discover illusion ;as brainless beauty, inhumane beauty is WORTHLESS...
Many philosophies have discussed that beauty isn't a trait worth feeling arrogant about but the fact still remains that lay men and common men are hooked on to those physical appearances and are slaves to these  most foolish  quality people have naturally inherited....
The way beauty products, garment industry and artificial  beauty enhancers have captured people's minds, it leaves me with a bottom level question.... Is beauty  more  important than brains, humanity, generosity, etc....????
I encounter  few old acquaintances who start up with applauds over looks and seem concentrated over there and that gives me a thought as to whether these people can ever go beyond beauty and bed....
Beauty is mesmerizing.... I cannot deny but the real person beyond those looks is more important to be explored... Its no wonder that people who have hooked themselves around looks will never have a satisfied relationship  with anyone as what they run behind itself is such a temporary  element....
Its sad that those who are gifted with intelligence too have a deep craving for sexual encounters with a hot body and sensual beauty but this warmth of sexual pleasure is so temporary if that individual has no humane qualities to enhance their inner person.... Having such encounters only reflects that shallow intellect one possessed only to enjoy worldly pleasure... Its not wrong but having  centered around these is definitely indulging into stagnancy and fruitless life in the longer run....
For some people, their destination is bed... They enter into relationship with opposite sex to end up having sex.... This attitude is an object  oriented personality which has no or very little  room for emotions... Emotions, which can bind people for ages with or without physical touch.... I often feel sorry to have considered these kinds as intellectual folks again looking at their academic records but its the outlook that reflects their actual intelligence and inbuilt aura of connectedness....
Its hilarious to see how people question any acquaintance keeping their outer or inner qualities in mind and this necessarily becomes a deciding  area to whether we choose to stagnant our growth  with such people or move on and work towards self growth.....
Be a beautiful Person with beautiful heart....

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Own your life.. Take the charge of your life....

Own your life... Yes we all think we do own our lives...
In a country like India, when KARMA is spoken about... Karma itself means we understand the responsibility of our acts and actions..... In such a scenario... Most of us are deprived and lack confidence to  consider this life as theirs....
The funny thing I notice is that often all those who haven't  had the courage to lead life their way put restrictions on others to not take a charge either... Likewise some who have rebelled their way out look forward to others rebelling like them....
All I have understood  from my life and observations from others lives is that ULTIMATELY, whether we act bold or cold we all do things upto a limit we can handle....
Life doesn't come with a manual.... No scripture can or is able to control humans except instilling fears and superstitions.... Liberal human soul cannot be confined to limits and do s and don't s.. Rather these limitlessness is what nutures this soul.. Despite  this known truth many of us can't  take the charge of our lives... We often pretend that someone else is holding our life strings and we are mere puppets...
I can buy this in a way where physically things  happen with humans at social and emotional plane which leaves them perplexed and wondering as to what happened to them and that's how their life shapes up.....
Events and episodes are probably not under control but perception of these into life shaping is definitely one can take a charge for...
We often do not feel the liberation as our individual personalities have hampered that wiring which would allow the smooth flow of freedom into us without guilt or fear...
For an instance... A parent would never enjoy completely if they seek happiness in a place where they are alone as they would be haunted by their children's  happiness being replaced over... Now.. The very fact... No individual who is deprived of fun can make others happy is easily forgotten as one gets into parenthood... Like this every role an individual plays can  prevent their liberty to freedom if there are strings attached  at a very very deeper levels... These people blame the system but are unable to detach themselves from their roles and then feel miserable to get victimized under set rules...
Thus, people do own their lives but  very few with the wealth of strong  mindset can maintain this life to its fulfillment and can take that charge of leading their lives on their terms....
Its better said than done... I  am too striving to walk on the path to free myself of attachments which bind me, control me and prevent me from my spiritual growth... It is a practice of attachment with detachment that is needed to evolve from the worldly pit....

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Aspire to enslave.... As you are a victim yourself...

How many of us have never felt like ruling  others????
We might show submissive but we secretly aspire to dominate.... The entire human race is struggling towards everything but humanity..... People can preach humanity as long as they are in their secured, comfortable position.
The ironic thing is we under go all struggles to see or put ourselves and our loved ones in a position to capture that dominant position in life to rule others in one way or other..... Like making it big in qualifications to have a position where atleast some people are there under us whom we can exploit... Or worst... All those who cannot rule in their workplace  start throwing their weight in their  personal front to rule family  members who are emotionally and financially dependent on them.....
At times, it seems like a hilarious sight to see everyone attempting to bring down someone just to rule over them..... The idea in the end is to feel superior.....
The gratification that people derive after  exploiting other people, ruling people itself suggests how little they know their greatness and how much they need to enslave others to reach up to that  feel good factor....
A feeling as pure as love is also aspired to be controlled and directed upon... We want someone to love us if they are dependent on us... Why and what for should anyone be forced or liable to love someone.... The relationship people carry out in their lives are all carrying the burden of compulsive love  and has restricted the freedom to individuals to emotionally get attached to others beyond a limit....
Societal norms are made for smooth functioning but it has unfortunately lead to one ruling party and one  ruled party... Which  relationship has maintained the norms and fundamentals of humane approach in every dimension... Since  most of us are a prey to this societal functionality of indirect  enslavement, we secretly  dream of having a fair chance to victimize others with that Dominance....
We are all fighting for Human Rights in every corner of the world, have we yet left the basic trait of letting go off that feeling...." Rights on Humans ".... The day we stop  feeling and encashing that right on other soul, we have already reached a high level of liberation....
Think about it....

Monday, January 2, 2017

Desire.. Less... Nooo.. Desireless

We are born  DESIRE LESS and what are we converted into is DESIRES DESIRES DESIRES.....
At each milestone, there are new desires  put into us either by our environment or  by  our knowledge  about things.... The mind is trained to keep seeking something or the other....
All our life we devote our total self in satisfaction of these desires but in real we all ultimately  seek that liberation of our souls... Liberation which we are looking at is to an extent restricted with our  bodily  needs which  give a feel good effect and we are so consumed into these that this body can lead us to liberation is something we have totally forgotten...
Mind.... Can either be rejoicing over the pleasurable moments that have passed or those it has been thinking of... Thus, the  pain vs gain is the only thing that is captured by this mind... Therefore, sleeping, intoxicating, enjoying food, sex, entertainment which puts off those pain and gain episodes are immensely looked forward to....
More and  more that we want to indulge into these more of restlessness  and anxiety  we are struck with....
Its that moment, we all are deep within  waiting for when we are void of any DESIRES...., THAT IS THE MOMENT OF FEELING  FREE.... DETACHED....
To feel free, to detach, its important to unlearn  the  shrewd  tactics of this world, to save that fake image and to be what  you were...
As humans, we ought to fall in love, but love with possession is what harms  this peace and the beauty of love... Its great to love, but its equally  sad to hold on to what you love....
We all desire to be loved.. How many of us have desired to SILENTLY LOVE... The day we can just LET OURSELVES  ONLY LOVE... we are reaching out to our own freedom  of no bondage, no cage...
Its not  a bad idea to try loving without the condition of being  loved....