
Seek within....

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Just Imagine!!!!

We all started imagining things  probably from the time we gathered reasonable information from our surrounding and education be it at a very primary level....
As children when  we are explained things  without a picture we merely  try making a mental  sketch of that term by its verbal explanation and each of us would have a different mental picture made depending on our individual exposures.
For each physically existing thing we can get an image to precisely or approximately  describing  its actual look... Thanks to technology... But this too wasn't existing long long back...
So... To have something as basic as a fan or refrigerator or tube light was someone's  random imagination  which turned into reality and such a basic requirement today that these creations have captured humans  totally...
Every imagination starts with a random thought, a need or a desire... What is it that turns this imagination into reality... Passion.. Once an imagined idea appeals to self so deeply.. We start  re imaging it again and again till we start to physically work on it at a physical level...
Same concept works at an emotional level.... People all around are groomed and nurtured towards material luxuries and things and so passionately people think about it that they actually achieve it but then.... We realise an emptiness at soul  level... Naturally.. It wasn't  seen, it wasn't  a need to search for as breathing was natural, existence became natural but the feeling of happiness, sadness which was easily compensated with things at physically present.. We would not feel the need to experience the core reality that makes us....
Many nuts  like me try hard imaging  "soul"... I  tried that as a child when emotions had a deep impact in me and I tried figuring it out WHY...?
I might be looking for a rational  reason to stop my emotional turbulence  but fact remained that this was more a need to understand  myself as a spirit within a human form... As per my training, my mind started imagining  spirit, soul which no one has seen but everyone has.. Experienced... Thus these minor and major life experiences became very important to me and the feel from these my soul lessons... I still can't  but stop imagination.. But now I  imagine  a feel, a moment of divinity and I  somewhere know it can physically  happen.. How is that  going to happen I m unaware but if I can imagine it, it might happen... So... Emotionally  uplifting your self is simple... Train yourself to imagine a state of happiness and eventually you can be...
Just let your wild thoughts flow, let them drive you in ecstasy and let them just let you BE..., IF YOU CAN IMAGINE IT, YOU CAN EXPERIENCE IT......
love you all....

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