
Seek within....

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Road to self(soul)

In conversation with myself, I find myself  getting immersed but I  often end up in complaining about  elements that haven't been very nice in my  life... I  love chatting with myself and often realise I keep caring a lot about my external  self, my body image, my professional image and my humane image... Ultimately it was all image... Image itself is the way one is being viewed, judged or perceived by self and others... This image issue was that dragon which never left me since  childhood and I  somewhere felt alienated within my own skin...
Time and again, this realization that I  need to be more in love with  myself, more  indulged into meeting  that interesting  real  me crept up and my efforts began in that direction ... I would walk a few steps and get lost... This happens every time I go on self search...
I  understand every destination has various routes.... The route I chose was in compliance with my personality and emotions and that was to reach myself via souls around me... I was very keen to touch  lives to search self and though it was a beautiful experience  I also noticed its limitations... In this process.. I would start imagining those souls as my destination and would later get disappointed as if its a mirage in the desert...
I can never and will never stop  connecting to beautiful people  around  me, each soul has a story to say that helps me see a new direction  but I  now do understand that sometimes.. Its foolish to get  stuck  at one resting point and get drowned into those emotions....
Due to my emotional bondage in this journey, many people do come across expecting  to bring about changes in me as per their thoughts  and that itself disconnects  me with them, as each one has their own chosen road to reach their soul... Any body causing hindrance indicates the lack of respect and there is the Signal that I  need to bypass certain  speed breakers  to not disturb  my journey or move ahead taking a bit of bumpy ride  and moving in set direction....
Thus, my road to my soul  seems most tedious, most  challenging and full of frictions.... Its like.. Something which is right under our nose is the most difficult to find.... People easily  reach moon, mars, etc where as the entire universe that is within is seldom found....

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