
Seek within....

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

IDEAL GROWTH..... What is it?

We all are born to grow...
From a foetus, we start getting our human form  till 9 months  in mother's  womb... After that our growth in external environment starts and growth continues....
Even while in womb, every moment we are growing  physically and mentally and with science advancing each growth is monitored  too.... After reaching adulthood our physical growth ceases and we still continue  growing  mentally....
Physical  growth has well defined approximations but mental growth is immeasurable.... Like the way we changed in physical form during physical growth years somewhere mental growth was happening too... We have been so conscious of physical growth that we haven't  really known or understood the depth of mental growth... We have only  groomed our mental growth to help our physical  needs to be fulfilled....
Examples of mental growth are... Education, mental abilities to enable logical thinking, using brain functions to enhance in career, etc etc...  GROWTH HAS TO BRING CHANGE...
It us said that Growth is Optional  Change is inevitable.....
We often appreciate growth but we dread change... Why????
Change is a shift in attitude, habits, behaviour.... And a change in all three is a PARADIGM SHIFT.... individual  change in Habit or Behavior or Attitude  can be a result of any episode occurred which has been a lesson to learn , sometimes voluntary  change is observed for achieving a goal but the real growth that can change ones life completely for good is the Spiritual Growth.....
This growth is not an uplift in mental abilities  but this is a growth that  has happened with  Growth in EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT  combined with our inbuilt INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT (which is a natural  one)....
By increase in mental abilities  and reaching a career  height will still not ensure that Inner Growth which basically we humans seek....
We are gifted with intelligence  as a unique quality, emotions even animals have inbuilt  thus we aren't only here to increase the productivity of this IQ and only roll into comforts, we humans need to grow spiritually  by developing  HUMANE Qualities of letting go of minor issues, sharing, caring, non interfering  and non judgemental, etc to value human beings as spiritual  beings and raise our spiritual standards.... This is the ultimate  growth  we are looking for but we get stuck in only  visible  growths in terms of material  gains...
Lets grow within and change just happens as this  change is what  we can never have until we have matured souls.... God bless us all!!!
Coming next....
A kick start at developing  spiritual growth.....

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Roots to crown.... (merging of earth and sky)

Cuddle me, hug me passionately tight
A smile, a feeling of everything right
I seldom can breathe but I  do not fight,
A surrender of self to the divine  light....
What are roots? Roots are the very basics we are a product of... Roots are something that has held us upright.... Our body, our existence is an integral product of this mother universe and is beautifully  designed to be absorbed  by nature eventually....
Born nude... We die clothed...
The reason we are born nude and all animals remain nude all their life... Coz that is the state of being one with  nature... I am obsessed with clothes... I  then realised that whether society is soo fragile in its approach that giving  nature a reason, a protection from cold, rain etc we have been trained to use clothing which has now become an obsession with most of us...
A hidden meaning to this trend  means we have become  internally too very weak to the extent we cannot even imagine  A stark naked truth around us... In the name of civilization we are far far away from the very nature which has made us....
We, need to water the plants to see its fruits, flowers and leaves  blossoming but if we only water leaves, put on accessories  it will soon die a sad death... All who are born do die... So does plants, but each should  LIVE  before  dying.... What are humans  doing is a very miserable way to die a life which seems  Lived but infact is tortured with  all sorts of man made ways of conduct which has left their souls die in suffocation  due to layers on it...
There s an awareness of awakening of roots  within the human body to find  liberation and evolve but how far are we doing it right.... Synchronization of all energy points in our  body from root to crown is what we need to feel, to breathe the innate nature we are a part of...
Let's  see the way our root chakra functions... It is involved in basic  functions which are condemned by sophistication but are most integral for survival namely, releasing waste products via urination and excretion and sex to release  stress hormones... These functions involve  maximum energy and are most important for regular functioning of body.... Once these are taken care of... Energy can pass on to chakras above.... Constant awareness and focus can lead us to the crown  chakra which is very rarely  accomplished but not impossible....
A very simple technique of routine activity  of cleansing the toxins built in to allow the free  flow of energy is to feel at every moment that we are a perishable  product with an eternal element  called SOUL which is a part of this universe and lets feel that love we experience from the core and that makes us feel rejuvenated with each breathe....
Meditative techniques, be Mantra or Tantra meditation where mantra involves  a single individual to work on self and tantra meditation where two people  need to be in complete synchronization with each other.. To be in the zero feeling of self and one with the partner.... This is what is a realization of supremacy we all have within us and that brings about a peace... Ultimate peace which is the driving force for people to get into any act according to their inner depth....
Let's.. Cherish this innate nature we are born with at  core level and feel blissful ....

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Benefit of Doubt.... Helps at times

BENEFIT OF DOUBT.... means: "I did not assume he was a liar." It means: "I don't believe the story, but I will consider that maybe it really did happen." To give someone the benefit of the doubt means you assume that he or she is telling the truth until proven otherwise.
I wasn't  judgemental ever.... I  probably  was like that initially because I  was a victim of LOW SELF ESTEEM... it proved advantageous at least in developing this trait in me... Except that LOW SELF ESTEEM is a curse... It thus became a habit since then.... Now, when I  do have enough SELF CONFIDENCE, I  still stick on with my NON JUDGEMENTAL  traits....
Which means.. It is easier to give BENEFIT OF DOUBT... As per the above definition, we do need to essentially give benefit of doubts to people at least a couple of times till we are convinced of their  particular  folly. It is MOST  IMPORTANT quality  needed in my profession  but also as normal human beings we can immensely see its positives if we adopt this trait.
The big problem with people who fail in giving benefit of doubt  is that they have FIXED IDEAS... about many aspects of life... My dear people... LIFE itself is CONSTANTLY changing  how can our fixed ideas help us.... Like a personality, our ideas are also victims of NURTURUING AND ENVIRONMENT  we are within... It is not often under our control to change the set conditions we are dropped into but..... A VERY AWARENESS that we can adopt new ideas, help us come out of blocks  and see new perspective. IT CAN HELP US CHANGE... OUR ATTITUDE...
Humans are slaves to Habit... Be it food, clothing, living, talking and.... Worst..THINKING.... we cannot step out of our comfort zones as we ourselves wouldn't  accept our CHANGED FORM... this limitation is many a times  root cause for many personal and interpersonal  problems....
The very reason, BENEFIT OF DOUBT helps us is.. To step into others UNREVEALED softer/weaker aspect and and Increased level of UNDERSTANDING  of our own capacities to value people and their limitations.....
People with GOOD TRAITS are very easily accepted and respected in society... We seldom  want to even know their negative traits... (good enough)  but, the repressed segment of society are often those who are CONTINUOUSLY JUDGED AND CONDEMNED.... Crimes are unfortunately their share of conduct and we want CRIMES to end... HOW????
At an individual  level, at  micro level, can we  not try and figure out SOME  GOOD, AMAZING, RARE, traits  in PEOPLE who are victims of JUDGEMENTS and gradually evoke a human  trait if we START USING  BENEFIT OF DOUBT and not hold people CULPRITS for  their  xyz actions.. At Least ... couple of times....
Benefit of doubt  according to me is a SENSITIVE  quality in comparison to being JUDGEMENTAL which is quite an insensitive aspect where we subconsciously have framed anyone and everyone  who do not match your thoughts as WRONG....
RIGHTS AND WRONGS are man made.... Compassion and Sensitivity are DIVINE  Human  Qualities which we need to preserve... Lets give it a good try...

Friday, November 4, 2016

quotes from my heartbeats

A pond of lotus, happily intakes mud
Some fully bloomed some emerged as buds
Each has its beauty and each has its load
Some  die in pond, some offered to GOD...

The ones in pond are duty bound
Those in temple are for ritual found,
Both are victim's of nature and nurture
Flowers are beautiful in any culture....

So are humans, trees, animals and  birds
Why rank them into useful and nerds? 
Each one acts as per their limits set
Most of us die due to our desires unmet...

Desire is nothing but a distractive toy
Gives momentary pleasure not an eternal joy
My ultimate need is to get dissolved in me
All I want is to see the  divinity in every being...

My love, my madness, my reflection  is you
I love myself more when see myself in you,
You made me taste the nectar of this feel,
When I see you smile, it brings me peace within...

Without a touch you made way to my soul
I feel so precious, so complete and whole,
Each vibe of yours hits me like a wave
I need no words, nothing more I crave...

I let my emotions flow in my words
For  I don't want to cage you like a bird,
I want to see you fly, to meet your sky,
I want my happiness to flow through my eye..
I might  get lost in this time machine
Never would  I disappear from your heart within
How can my love leave your inner child
Whenever you think of me, I  hope you smile....

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Just Imagine!!!!

We all started imagining things  probably from the time we gathered reasonable information from our surrounding and education be it at a very primary level....
As children when  we are explained things  without a picture we merely  try making a mental  sketch of that term by its verbal explanation and each of us would have a different mental picture made depending on our individual exposures.
For each physically existing thing we can get an image to precisely or approximately  describing  its actual look... Thanks to technology... But this too wasn't existing long long back...
So... To have something as basic as a fan or refrigerator or tube light was someone's  random imagination  which turned into reality and such a basic requirement today that these creations have captured humans  totally...
Every imagination starts with a random thought, a need or a desire... What is it that turns this imagination into reality... Passion.. Once an imagined idea appeals to self so deeply.. We start  re imaging it again and again till we start to physically work on it at a physical level...
Same concept works at an emotional level.... People all around are groomed and nurtured towards material luxuries and things and so passionately people think about it that they actually achieve it but then.... We realise an emptiness at soul  level... Naturally.. It wasn't  seen, it wasn't  a need to search for as breathing was natural, existence became natural but the feeling of happiness, sadness which was easily compensated with things at physically present.. We would not feel the need to experience the core reality that makes us....
Many nuts  like me try hard imaging  "soul"... I  tried that as a child when emotions had a deep impact in me and I tried figuring it out WHY...?
I might be looking for a rational  reason to stop my emotional turbulence  but fact remained that this was more a need to understand  myself as a spirit within a human form... As per my training, my mind started imagining  spirit, soul which no one has seen but everyone has.. Experienced... Thus these minor and major life experiences became very important to me and the feel from these my soul lessons... I still can't  but stop imagination.. But now I  imagine  a feel, a moment of divinity and I  somewhere know it can physically  happen.. How is that  going to happen I m unaware but if I can imagine it, it might happen... So... Emotionally  uplifting your self is simple... Train yourself to imagine a state of happiness and eventually you can be...
Just let your wild thoughts flow, let them drive you in ecstasy and let them just let you BE..., IF YOU CAN IMAGINE IT, YOU CAN EXPERIENCE IT......
love you all....