
Seek within....

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Prayer is also an Affirmation....

I usually get these spiritual bouts which make me switch from my bollywood tracks to religious mantras and chants... I  instantly  start to feel settled and sometimes some  chants actually set me totally feeling tranced...
It could be my belief, my nurturing or my innate GOD SPOT that shows its effect but the fact remains that most of us PRAY....
PRAYER according to me isn't  for only so called RELIGIOUS  groups but even atheists pray in their way... Their prayer is a simple good wish they make while they carry on with their daily duties.
Nowadays, most of the healers even psychologists use AFFIRMATIONS as a therapeutic measure to help deal with numerous  problems faced by people... Astonishingly it WORKS....
Psychology  might have got its  terminologies  from a few decades or centuries  but mankind is beyond  time zones that is existing and from a nomad they could  turn into  a civilized  individual  is also a result of some Affirmation  working in  collaboration with actions... There was then the religious  spectrum was introduced to manage society on the whole and a common practice  was followed  to recite  or narrate chants or mantras from the time we wake up till we fall asleep... These patterns were termed as prayers....
I was trying to understand what is that speciality in those mantras which can settle my brain nerves.... I  realised the way they  are constructed, the powerful language  used is thus  having its effects with the universal energy  within and around us. People like me cannot pray with mantras on daily basis for a simple  reason that I  don't understand the language  although I  believe in them... Many  of us don't  even bother about the meaning  but with utmost faith keep saying those.... It all works positively mainly  because its a message sent to the universe....
AFFIRMATIONS  on the other  hand are self created  understandable  sentences which also send messages to the universe  to help us get what we want...
Prayer, for me is talking, crying, sharing  my emotions with universal energy and  positively  putting forward my plea...
So, it is excellent  for those who can  pray regularly  but if we don't understand  the language  and mispronounce it, it can sometimes  change the meaning of the prayer... It is essentially  to be said correctly ... Rather intelligently  constructing  an Affirmation  is equally powerful to help us in distress...
Its very important  to pray accurately  as universe  gives us what ever we ask for... How??? Is upto the universal  law...
Pray or Affirm.... Send the correct  message to the universe for it to get manifested...
Be blessed.....

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Law of Correspondence (Universal law of life)

Law of Correspondence......
The last of 7 Universal laws we have discussed in last few weeks.
While most of the laws are inter related and close knit, it wasn't  easy for me to explain  this simple yet most complex  Universal  law.  Suddenly  then, I  saw my make up kit (which I  seldom use... I  don't know why) and it struck me that  when I  need to make  a fake appearance and gather  appreciation, I  necessarily  need my kit to cover up my flaws in my looks.
It is not to be condemned as we all live a life so full of superficial ness that this make over is totally acceptable.
The law of Correspondence is nothing  but a reflection  of our inside world which we experience  outside....  The world  of Social  media  will never make anyone realize  the whole  different world people live in as only make over images of life are posted...
The realization  that  we are too weak to stop anything wrong taking place in our lives was  shaken up when even a deeper fact came to  light that OUR WORLD OUTSIDE IS NOTHING BUT A REFLECTION  OF OUR WORLD WITHIN....
I was victimized with pessimism  till I  decided to test optimism and  faith within.
We all claim to show faith in love, people, optimism but deeeeep within  we live with doubts... These  doubts are the very reasons  and reflections that  emerge as episodes  in life.
Doubts emerge due to  excessive  rational knowledge  and  lack of self belief. If I  elaborate  this  fact in simple words..
We have seen many RELIGIOUS /RITUALISTIC  people undergoing Maximum  physical, emotional, financial  distress... It is surprising  to see people showing so much of external  belief and faith  land into extreme  troubles... This is because  many are over rationally learned and many are at basic  level ignorant about own  self.... Both these people have hidden fears, doubts which wipe out their make up of faith and land them in trouble.
To implement  law of correspondence, it is extremely  important  to understand  that  we need  to under go a PARADIGM SHIFT, most  of the healers today teach  this , I  don't  know how much  people practice themselves  as it is a shift at  the innermost  layer that  can generate  a positive, healthy  thought to reflect  into a real positive  life.
We all crib and cry over our life  issues but if we reflect  within  we can understand  its core  problem ... Thus life mirror will  not  cease to show us a real image of ourselves... Making up for distorted  thoughts  through temporary  behavior  balancing  is  short lived, thus  to  be able  to see a beautiful world outside  lets
Visualize our  inner beauty which is pure  and we are all born with at par, we blur it to an ugly look by our contaminated  thoughts....
Before wrapping  up this topic a simple example, I  find  many people who choose a profession, partner  for their ugly selfish  purpose  and eventually  do not find either  peace  or profit  in indulging  into the same. Noble professions like teaching  and  medicine  are exploited for monetary  gains and we see in world today  we have a huge population  who is SICK, PHYSICALLY  and MENTALLY....
Let's  work towards extending a great positive  life to  all around us by imbibing  pious  thoughts  within ...

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Law of Attraction (Universal law of life)

Law of Attraction.....

Law of Attraction  is not whom or what we are attracted to physically  but attraction at mental level.... about our OWN SELF and LIFE...

We all have somewhere within developed and created an entire world for ourselves  which is paradise and hell at  different places...

Human  mind  has a gluing  tendency towards all negative  events occurred in our lives or lives of someone very close to us. These negative  thoughts settle down somewhere  deep to continuously  guide our subconscious  and therefore  we might seldom realize  but our subconscious thoughts are mostly  negative...

Lot of things already known about how strong our subconscious  mind is... We also need to now understand  that  this strength is the pulling string of what we finally  get in life via LAW OF ATTRACTION... our Thoughts  have attracted  these facts in our lives..

Again, I  would  relate to my life here with  a very  casual   episode.... While in my accounts  class in final year of graduation , we once had a motivational  speaker... After the talk we were asked about our goals in life... Since it was conducted at an educational institution  or since each one was a student  who will soon step into  the rat race of life in terms of earnings , etc everyone  mentioned  about their ideal career  goals, some  might have really DECIDED on that while some might have JUST  SAID for the sake of it... When I  was suppose to answer  I was hunting for a  UNIQUE  reply (as I  hate being COMMON), to which I  said  "I  aspire  to have a peaceful and satisfied  life"....
Well, to be honest I  didn't  even probably know its true meaning  as this reply  was meant to only IMPRESS the people  with my uniqueness  and having said that all eyebrows were raised to perplexed  look and the speaker smiling  down as if I  m quite  matured...

The thought started building  in later after I  said that... I  kept thinking about its meaning  and now I  realize  that I  didn't  do anything  GREAT in life  (both personally and professionally)  as I never aspired  anything  extraordinary  but the important  part is I WAS HAPPY as well WITH WHAT I  HAD...

This LAW OF ATTRACTION worked in my life without me realizing  that I  actually  called for a satisfied life... Of course satisfaction is subjective, not stable in nature but on major and overall at a macro level, I was....

Now, that I  understood  the existence of this amazing  law, I often use this at deeper level  to give my best to each case I  handle.... Miraculously, it works....

We thus here have to get to that ultimate thought we have buried or is existing  as that can MAKE or BREAK  us..... To understand  its meaning  is the next step for its occurrence.

Here are few steps to get immensely  benefitted by this amazing  law of life:

1. Make a note of  repeated thoughts and feelings  experienced  by you.

2.Try dwelling  deep into those thoughts to find out exact meaning  or exact need of yours... If you get stuck here  do not hesitate to either go to a professional  or give your self more dedicated, concentrated  effort to understand  the underlying meaning.

3. Step 2 is time  consuming and dicey , but once sorted, step 3 is easy to implement. This step involves  visualizing  or imaging  the ACTUAL DESIRE as that is the way we call for it or attract it.

4. Having an extremely  clear vision  is very important here  as this  helps the universe to get  the correct message via our subconscious... Thus be careful  and precise in the imagination  process.

5. Dedicated  time each day if given to the hidden desire in this manner, enables the LAW OF ATTRACTION  to work on the way we want it to not the way  it will on its own.

Thoughts  are ongoing... Thus we cannot stop them, therefore if these can be directed to a goal  seeking mechanism, it helps us positively....


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Law of Expectation (Universal law of life)

Universal law of life  # 5
Law of Expectation......

We all start  forming our Life Expectation  from either the way we believe  in Ourselves or the Environment... Experiences and Environmental  factors  do influence  our expectations  about ourselves  but majorly  it is our own self developed  thought process which decides what we get.....

After being judged  by  people around we create a self image  which mostly  is based upon others views about US. I  mentioned  in my last  topic that  I  did undergo severe  self esteem issues  but now that I  realize  that  heart of hearts I did know that  since I  never intend bad for others, I do not carry negatives within me as far as life events  are concerned.

Well, life is all about good and bad but being pessimistic  about self has a great impact on such events happening  in REAL. A little reality check  helps in self improvement  when conduct and efforts are concerned, so  it isn't  essential  to keep having  self praise all the while but a futuristic  tool to overall shape up our life, its important  to expect  BEST to happen  to us and all that has happened  till now;how it has helped to bring out the BEST in us is what should be aimed at.

As children, we all dream of an excellent , ideal life but others opinion start  dominating our own expectations  from our life to which many of us become negative  in their  approach  and lead such stressful lives..

To quote  a simple  example  here, I often come across  people  who have trusting  issues. These people somewhere feel everyone around them is there to cheat them in one way  or the other. Thus, they  either form rules if they can or bargain  and love to be felt  that  they have outsmarted the opposite  person. The truth  here  is such  people  win around in routine  situation  and get big time dumped  in life  where things  aren't  in their control  but will not start to think in a different  manner that, why do we expect  people to cheat? If they do, they will  face it in one or other  way, why  we take the stress????  And if we are cheated by xyz, we might also  get unexpected  benefits  from a different  source to get  compensated...

A simple understanding, life is balanced ... We all get what we give... If not physical  even mental negatives and positives play an important  role in giving it back to us... Thus, EXPECT POSITIVE  THINGS, POSITIVE  PEOPLE  to Experience  that  in LIFE....

EXPECTATION  =  EXPERIENCE..... Try  this...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Law of Belief (Universal law of life)

Law of Belief....
Belief... ... A very very crucial  element in making our personality.... Seems untrue but given a closer look at this factor, its very simple to figure out the life events and personality  of any given  human being  is majorly  influenced  by  his/ her belief systems.
As children, We ONLY believe in our parents, it is through  them we either start  believing  in GOD, books, people, virtues, etc.
In second  phase, our beliefs  either add or change with what  we witness in our environment , it could be at school, at  home, within society  (if closely  connected) and  most important  part FRIENDS.
Phase three, is the final phase but ongoing till we die  and that  is our EXPERIENCE. Experience with  our own self at what  level has it affected  contributes largely to our changes in our beliefs in adulthood. These beliefs either change with yet another  mind boggling  experience  or would  take strong  roots to guide our lives.
I generally  love to quote  self as an example  as that's  the strongest  subject  I know of.... Me as a child  was born with an inferior  personality  and with a very fragile  self esteem and that  resulted  in a tragic episode  in my pre teens... Having  survived that  episode , yet another trait of guilt  took over me and my inferior  self was getting  stronger. Parents  were clueless  about my inner turbulence  but belonging  to GOD FEARING family, an additional  fear factor was showing  its own reactions.
Thus, my beliefs  were all shallow  as far as my potential  was concerned, my own humanity, my acceptance  in society was all in doubts and thus I can only  say I  didn't  believe  in anything strongly but FEAR of rejection  was building  up high....
Here comes the turning  point, my FEAR which turned  out being my belief , infact the only one and a strongest  one, it proved itself when I  faced it in my early 20 s..... This EXPERIENCE  changed my fear into faith as I could neither  run away from  problem  nor did I  know how to face it but LIFE demanded to MOVE ON....
THE MOVING ON....  Was something that my belief in my internal goodness took over and I  decided to see where LIFE  takes me, I  was then somewhere starting  to feel that  my inner most self isn't  negative  thus nothing  BAD can happen  to my life and there..... MY FIRST POSITIVE  STRONG BELIEF IN MYSELF showed its results  when I  was leading  a decent  life....
Having  experienced this too, my fears weren't  completely  taken away , it only got replaced and then it was my psychological  study in its practical  implementation which came into picture.
I realized  by  then that my fears are  pulling  me away from my achievements, success, and most importantly... My PEACE. 
This  is the time my belief system  is working in my benefit where I  do my bit in everything  but ultimately  rely on the strong universal  law which doesn't  essentially  give me a good time always but I  can move on with  an understanding  of what  each life event gives us and how do we use it  to further  enhance our lives...
In nutshell, we as grown ups should  be extremely  careful in not caging our kids into a belief  that has conquered  us (unless it is fear free and positive) and understanding  a simple  formula to replace  negative  beliefs is to see for self the BELIEF SYSTEM  HAS A STRONG  HOLD ON LIFE EVENTS, thus to reduce
Or eliminate unfortunate  episodes, lets build a strong  positive  belief which can govern the quality of  our life.