
Seek within....

Monday, October 26, 2015

Telepathic communication .... Worth trying!

Ever wondered  how people sometimes  say that it was a telepathy when two  people  end up saying  the same thing  at same  time or  when  we think of  someone  intensely  and  that person  calls or  messages????  It  is even more  satisfying  than a planned meet with that  individual .

I  wouldn't  have understood  this term as well until I  experienced  few astonishing  such events  when I  could  convincingly say  that indeed telepathic  communication  is the strongest  and most intimate  type of  communication.

Like  two  parties  that are essentially  involved  in communication, even this communication  requires  two people  atleast but in my experience  even if that  individual  isn't  thinking  of you at that  moment  there  is a message  that is stored for  him/her and you will be surprised  to find an answer  from  those  people  in due  course.

I  would  at a given time keep calling  people  numerous  times  to know  their  well being or just stay connected  as I feared that  I  would  loose out on that  special  person  if I  do not  keep  in touch. It so  turned out  that  I  started to push those  special  ones away  by clinging  on to them... We are so much anxiety prone  due to various electronic  communication  means that  we want a response  to our conversation  immediately  and that creates  a big mental conflict with self and those  loved ones...

It was only  in  the due course  that  I  started to work at the deeper level and involved  those infinite  elements  present  in our universe  which are so very common  to all.....

It was my random auto rickshaw  ride that stilled my mind to someone  I was thinking  of... I  realized  dropping  a few tears while in that thought and there  I started to send those  deeply felt  messages  via breeze, via the sun rays and I  was so very sure  that  I  am able  to send across those inner feelings which even otherwise  I  would  have not  said  in person .

And to my surprise  in few days I get  a message from an acquaintance  that  confirmed  my message  being reached that person  and thus the communication  started  off with a bang...

I  know for  many of you it must  be like  a imagined or hallucinating  trait to do something  like this but its called connection  between  two  minds at that  subconscious  level which enables  this beautiful  way of  being  in touch.....

To conclude, all that is essential  in telepathic  communication  is  a still mind, intense connect  and a strong belief  in self.... Its worth trying.....

Take  care

1 comment:

  1. I hope my intense ,pure feelings for "J" reaches her through this method and I get her .
