
Seek within....

Monday, October 19, 2015

Parents ' hidden emotions and see that in your child's personality

Usually, there are parents who wish to give away everything  for their  children  and while they are  growing  up they  also  teach them the way to manage themselves  in society ..... But this is what  any parent  in general  feel....

Are we all just general  parents.... Well! NO
We all feel we are among those special  bunch of parents  who will raise kids with perfection  irrespective  of whether  how normal  or perfect  we are!!!!
Its a nice thought but often  with acute alertness also there are these hidden emotions  within us that might not be spoken  but are reflected  in one way or the other..... That  has an immense  effect  on children.

A huge responsibility  of parenting  according  to parents  is to safeguard  their image or uplift their image  in society.
Using  children  as a medium to  either  gain that status or suppression  of their individuality  to maintain  that  status  which  parents have is  something  kids give back when they grow. An ideal example  being raising  a child with expectations  that our old age will be taken care of is something  that a child will also do but with an inner feeling that "I  have no option and have to bear with this"... Thus in both  the situations  it is  verbally  not  expressed but there's  a compulsion  reflected in both actions that  I  raise  you well today and you take care of  my  old age.....

I  couldn't  stop myself from  a keen observation  as to the very emotion parents  carry while conception  which also plays  a vital role in developing  those  hidden  feelings.... If a child is desperately  needed to either for  societal  sake as a married  couple  one  should  have, or that  now we need a fulfilling  time with  someone  we can nurture  or now I  can bring up another  life who needs care(adopted kids), etc these  thoughts  are never discussed  or even we aren't  aware of but if its more selfless the more humane values the child has... Very few people  adopt children  for giving  someone  else a life most adopt to have the pleasure  of  parenting  but nevertheless  it is more selfless than a conceived  child as one needs a very generous  heart to become  non biological  parents  and that's  the beautiful thought but if all the while parents  carry that  feeling  of giving  away  their  life  to a strange kid who will be a support  later will definitely  not turn out to  be as you  have expected....

I  kept thinking  about all different  parents and different  kids they have and made me wonder  about how such selfish  parents  have such humane kids and vice versa  but nevertheless  all mentioned  here isn't  a researched fact but a general  psychological  observation  which can  surely be challenged  and can have many many factors  involved  but it was a thought we can surely ponder upon...

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