
Seek within....

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Complex with self is a complex life!!!

A COMPLEX in psychology would mean perception of self ,emotions etc..
Its this complex that creates millions of complexities in our lives...
Development of any complex is the outcome of any positive or negative aspect of a person given too much importance .......
The qualities be it good or bad that make a person is that individual s personality. .. Its possible to change some whereas some are non alterable...what is important is how we perceive those for creating a self image.

As each one is a blend of both positives and negatives we as humans get particularly attached of some specific quality and then the entire self picturization process starts and affects every aspect of our lives.

To start with someone in specific too concerned about a particular negative trait or an average recipient of any  thing say looks or skin colour or financial status or belonging to any special category (limb loss or organ damage )
;these can make a permanent impact on an individual psyche and will overlook all those abundant positive traits possessed by them and will remain under the dark shadow of these missing parts. The emotional perception that gave rise to an inferior feeling will never let them enjoy all wonderful aspects they already have.

The other type of perceiving self on the basis of those few with good fortune that may have of good intellect,looks,body , money has such a deep impact on people that they forget that they lack some basic other qualities needed to live and at times almost experience a denial mode of being in human race..this very high self perception is a superior complex which often wouldn't let people remain grounded and which also hampers their inter personal relationships.

There are then these highly self obsessed people who under some silly inferiority cover themselves with a fake superior image and fool themselves. ...for instance people who are self absorbed due to an inferiority and cannot tolerate other personalities often stay aloof and present themselves as a non social individual.

We all would again fall into both or all three categories to an extent but the most important thing is to realise and accept both positive and negative qualities we possess and try and create an honest self image to avoid falling into pits created by falsified self projections and lead a simple life and thus avoid complexities we raise for ourselves...

Love yourself....

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