
Seek within....

Monday, February 20, 2017

Mind your MIND.....

Mind it... If you are a puzzle lover, if you are a analytical  person, if you love to uncover the masks... You are also a strong candidate to CREATE PUZZLING  SCENES FOR PEOPLE....
To simplify this statement, the mentally charged up  people, the intellectual types  and  and all those  who are mind  readers by profession or passion, even an image conscious  personality, all these are  among the so called SMART  category  of population... Undoubtedly, they  do have this characteristic to touch upon a hidden or covered up areas of people's personalities... It is interesting  as that helps understand humans from various  perspectives  but this often  has a side effect on one's own personality to start playing  mental games with people.
I was always interested in peeping  deep into people's  minds to enhance my understanding as a psychologist  and help others  in their blocked areas and then when I  realised how people manipulate others and trap them  into a personal and professional bond.. I  was all the more conscious and careful to prevent myself in not  misusing that skill...
I  often tell my clients, that I  know their all weak areas, all vulnerable  zones  and somehow it is the key to their  mind.... But I  don't  mind tight  rope walking but stick to not  at all misuse their  information.. (which is why my prime goal is to not  make them dependent on me, they need to be with their own self, making decisions and following their hearts) ... This is the outcome of my spiritual  psychology  and not professional psychological practice.... Its painful to see so many people  being used up like puppets specially by those they trust the most as they are  victims to their loved  ones mind games...
Mind Games..
I don't want to speak for or against it but it is a practice people would  generally do in politics, business, etc basically at all material and superficial  levels.. But it kills me when I  witness people in huge numbers  getting victimized  by those  spiritual  gurus, motivational speakers and respected  class  of society who under the power and position of people respecting them they knowingly or unknowingly start misusing that for personal benefits...
I  brought upon this topic  to help people Introspect if they are either victims to someone's mental games or are they busy  playing  mental games for getting their ego satisfied...
After all these  mental techniques to get EGO satisfied , people run to seek  inner peace and there they are victims to someone else's  mind power.... Rather, why can't  we choose to be WHAT WE ARE, STOP DISPLAYING FAKE GOODNESS and be sure enough that people who love them will love them anyway... Why can't we examine our power of originality without these mental agony and MENTAL MISUSE.....
Its cruel to make people love you by fogging their minds... Help them see clearly and they  ll respect you for sure if not love you...
At times it's  important in life to choose where would you want to be in people's  life... In their  MIND or HEART???

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Road to self(soul)

In conversation with myself, I find myself  getting immersed but I  often end up in complaining about  elements that haven't been very nice in my  life... I  love chatting with myself and often realise I keep caring a lot about my external  self, my body image, my professional image and my humane image... Ultimately it was all image... Image itself is the way one is being viewed, judged or perceived by self and others... This image issue was that dragon which never left me since  childhood and I  somewhere felt alienated within my own skin...
Time and again, this realization that I  need to be more in love with  myself, more  indulged into meeting  that interesting  real  me crept up and my efforts began in that direction ... I would walk a few steps and get lost... This happens every time I go on self search...
I  understand every destination has various routes.... The route I chose was in compliance with my personality and emotions and that was to reach myself via souls around me... I was very keen to touch  lives to search self and though it was a beautiful experience  I also noticed its limitations... In this process.. I would start imagining those souls as my destination and would later get disappointed as if its a mirage in the desert...
I can never and will never stop  connecting to beautiful people  around  me, each soul has a story to say that helps me see a new direction  but I  now do understand that sometimes.. Its foolish to get  stuck  at one resting point and get drowned into those emotions....
Due to my emotional bondage in this journey, many people do come across expecting  to bring about changes in me as per their thoughts  and that itself disconnects  me with them, as each one has their own chosen road to reach their soul... Any body causing hindrance indicates the lack of respect and there is the Signal that I  need to bypass certain  speed breakers  to not disturb  my journey or move ahead taking a bit of bumpy ride  and moving in set direction....
Thus, my road to my soul  seems most tedious, most  challenging and full of frictions.... Its like.. Something which is right under our nose is the most difficult to find.... People easily  reach moon, mars, etc where as the entire universe that is within is seldom found....