
Seek within....

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Be.. Beyond BED(SEX)

Being Beautiful.... is an asset, a god gifted quality  and being attractive  also is a physical trait worth flaunting but.....  Is that all????
Beauty, good looks, etc have always defined an individuals acceptance levels in society  but this is a first step to discover illusion ;as brainless beauty, inhumane beauty is WORTHLESS...
Many philosophies have discussed that beauty isn't a trait worth feeling arrogant about but the fact still remains that lay men and common men are hooked on to those physical appearances and are slaves to these  most foolish  quality people have naturally inherited....
The way beauty products, garment industry and artificial  beauty enhancers have captured people's minds, it leaves me with a bottom level question.... Is beauty  more  important than brains, humanity, generosity, etc....????
I encounter  few old acquaintances who start up with applauds over looks and seem concentrated over there and that gives me a thought as to whether these people can ever go beyond beauty and bed....
Beauty is mesmerizing.... I cannot deny but the real person beyond those looks is more important to be explored... Its no wonder that people who have hooked themselves around looks will never have a satisfied relationship  with anyone as what they run behind itself is such a temporary  element....
Its sad that those who are gifted with intelligence too have a deep craving for sexual encounters with a hot body and sensual beauty but this warmth of sexual pleasure is so temporary if that individual has no humane qualities to enhance their inner person.... Having such encounters only reflects that shallow intellect one possessed only to enjoy worldly pleasure... Its not wrong but having  centered around these is definitely indulging into stagnancy and fruitless life in the longer run....
For some people, their destination is bed... They enter into relationship with opposite sex to end up having sex.... This attitude is an object  oriented personality which has no or very little  room for emotions... Emotions, which can bind people for ages with or without physical touch.... I often feel sorry to have considered these kinds as intellectual folks again looking at their academic records but its the outlook that reflects their actual intelligence and inbuilt aura of connectedness....
Its hilarious to see how people question any acquaintance keeping their outer or inner qualities in mind and this necessarily becomes a deciding  area to whether we choose to stagnant our growth  with such people or move on and work towards self growth.....
Be a beautiful Person with beautiful heart....

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Own your life.. Take the charge of your life....

Own your life... Yes we all think we do own our lives...
In a country like India, when KARMA is spoken about... Karma itself means we understand the responsibility of our acts and actions..... In such a scenario... Most of us are deprived and lack confidence to  consider this life as theirs....
The funny thing I notice is that often all those who haven't  had the courage to lead life their way put restrictions on others to not take a charge either... Likewise some who have rebelled their way out look forward to others rebelling like them....
All I have understood  from my life and observations from others lives is that ULTIMATELY, whether we act bold or cold we all do things upto a limit we can handle....
Life doesn't come with a manual.... No scripture can or is able to control humans except instilling fears and superstitions.... Liberal human soul cannot be confined to limits and do s and don't s.. Rather these limitlessness is what nutures this soul.. Despite  this known truth many of us can't  take the charge of our lives... We often pretend that someone else is holding our life strings and we are mere puppets...
I can buy this in a way where physically things  happen with humans at social and emotional plane which leaves them perplexed and wondering as to what happened to them and that's how their life shapes up.....
Events and episodes are probably not under control but perception of these into life shaping is definitely one can take a charge for...
We often do not feel the liberation as our individual personalities have hampered that wiring which would allow the smooth flow of freedom into us without guilt or fear...
For an instance... A parent would never enjoy completely if they seek happiness in a place where they are alone as they would be haunted by their children's  happiness being replaced over... Now.. The very fact... No individual who is deprived of fun can make others happy is easily forgotten as one gets into parenthood... Like this every role an individual plays can  prevent their liberty to freedom if there are strings attached  at a very very deeper levels... These people blame the system but are unable to detach themselves from their roles and then feel miserable to get victimized under set rules...
Thus, people do own their lives but  very few with the wealth of strong  mindset can maintain this life to its fulfillment and can take that charge of leading their lives on their terms....
Its better said than done... I  am too striving to walk on the path to free myself of attachments which bind me, control me and prevent me from my spiritual growth... It is a practice of attachment with detachment that is needed to evolve from the worldly pit....

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Aspire to enslave.... As you are a victim yourself...

How many of us have never felt like ruling  others????
We might show submissive but we secretly aspire to dominate.... The entire human race is struggling towards everything but humanity..... People can preach humanity as long as they are in their secured, comfortable position.
The ironic thing is we under go all struggles to see or put ourselves and our loved ones in a position to capture that dominant position in life to rule others in one way or other..... Like making it big in qualifications to have a position where atleast some people are there under us whom we can exploit... Or worst... All those who cannot rule in their workplace  start throwing their weight in their  personal front to rule family  members who are emotionally and financially dependent on them.....
At times, it seems like a hilarious sight to see everyone attempting to bring down someone just to rule over them..... The idea in the end is to feel superior.....
The gratification that people derive after  exploiting other people, ruling people itself suggests how little they know their greatness and how much they need to enslave others to reach up to that  feel good factor....
A feeling as pure as love is also aspired to be controlled and directed upon... We want someone to love us if they are dependent on us... Why and what for should anyone be forced or liable to love someone.... The relationship people carry out in their lives are all carrying the burden of compulsive love  and has restricted the freedom to individuals to emotionally get attached to others beyond a limit....
Societal norms are made for smooth functioning but it has unfortunately lead to one ruling party and one  ruled party... Which  relationship has maintained the norms and fundamentals of humane approach in every dimension... Since  most of us are a prey to this societal functionality of indirect  enslavement, we secretly  dream of having a fair chance to victimize others with that Dominance....
We are all fighting for Human Rights in every corner of the world, have we yet left the basic trait of letting go off that feeling...." Rights on Humans ".... The day we stop  feeling and encashing that right on other soul, we have already reached a high level of liberation....
Think about it....

Monday, January 2, 2017

Desire.. Less... Nooo.. Desireless

We are born  DESIRE LESS and what are we converted into is DESIRES DESIRES DESIRES.....
At each milestone, there are new desires  put into us either by our environment or  by  our knowledge  about things.... The mind is trained to keep seeking something or the other....
All our life we devote our total self in satisfaction of these desires but in real we all ultimately  seek that liberation of our souls... Liberation which we are looking at is to an extent restricted with our  bodily  needs which  give a feel good effect and we are so consumed into these that this body can lead us to liberation is something we have totally forgotten...
Mind.... Can either be rejoicing over the pleasurable moments that have passed or those it has been thinking of... Thus, the  pain vs gain is the only thing that is captured by this mind... Therefore, sleeping, intoxicating, enjoying food, sex, entertainment which puts off those pain and gain episodes are immensely looked forward to....
More and  more that we want to indulge into these more of restlessness  and anxiety  we are struck with....
Its that moment, we all are deep within  waiting for when we are void of any DESIRES...., THAT IS THE MOMENT OF FEELING  FREE.... DETACHED....
To feel free, to detach, its important to unlearn  the  shrewd  tactics of this world, to save that fake image and to be what  you were...
As humans, we ought to fall in love, but love with possession is what harms  this peace and the beauty of love... Its great to love, but its equally  sad to hold on to what you love....
We all desire to be loved.. How many of us have desired to SILENTLY LOVE... The day we can just LET OURSELVES  ONLY LOVE... we are reaching out to our own freedom  of no bondage, no cage...
Its not  a bad idea to try loving without the condition of being  loved....