
Seek within....

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Open minds matter more than open eyes

World has indeed come closer...
With globalization everything  is movable  from one place to another  without hassle  and  there are better chances for cultural  exchanges and humanity  enhancements  if this very opportunity  of globalization  is well utilized....
Every few months,  be it a long weekend  or during school  vacation, I find everyone  around  going  either overseas or visiting  different  states  in the  same country. This is quite a different  way to spend  time in INDIAN  CONTEXT  where primitive  mentality  was to visit native place and relatives  to  strengthen  the family  bonds  and likewise  we were  well consumed into and around  our own cultures and people.
With world becoming  a smaller place each day with Internet  connecting people from all over and groups  based on interest levels, it has become an easier affair  to make  choices  that clearly  suit  our needs.. Needs being financial, physical, mental, cultural  or spiritual...
This transformation  should have been a boon to humanity but alas.. Has Somewhere diminished  human values with a narrower  vision.... The broader  the perspective , the  more acceptance of various  cultures; is the  need to seek humanity and essentially should be given top most  priority  but what is devastating  is that  with more and more enhancements  our minds  are getting  narrower  and  rigid....
The very reason that  ancient  believers  would want to visit  the world during  their  spiritual  journey  is have a better understanding  of  self , more  introspective   and  more practical  way to learn the art of mastering  self. This easy benefit  today is misused widely to only pamper self  with  material  needs and carry  a stamp of highly travelled  individual...
With world at our  disposal, it can  serve as a wonderful  opportunity  to open up our minds that were rigid with many imposed beliefs  and thoughts  and there  by allow to view  things  with wider vision and enhance  self within...
The sad aspect  is that all this seldom happens and  I  witness it closely when I  find people troubled  with their own inner belief systems  and are supposedly  one of those fortunate  ones to having seen  this world  largely...
These lovely  individuals who have enjoyed the beauty of this world with their  open eyes unfortunately  couldn't  understand  the wide inner world  only because  their minds were closed....
Its very important  to learn  the  technique  of  opening  up mind  to emerge as a balanced individual....
Its strange that  generations  have passed away by holding  on to imposed  belief  systems  only  because  the  fear  of loosing out the community  support is so huge... There are  only  very few  selected  ones who  have the courage  to accept  the wide inner world  and  follow that  path within which is insightful  and satisfying  to ensure eradication  of numerous  self inflicting  issues  that serves no good....
Thus, with a huge population  traveling, migrating  and being involved  in world wide affairs, lets not close  the inner vision or the third  eye while  appreciating  the external  beauties  of world..... We ultimately  dwell in our inner selves therefore, its important to OPEN MINDS to enjoy  the beauty of this  WIDE INNER WORLD.....
Let's spread smiles....

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