
Seek within....

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sex and Money... Is that all honey????

Each  coin has two sides, similarly  every concept  and term too has its ugly and pretty side...

Each and every aspect that  people talk about, think about, dream  about and worry about is somewhere  related to the basic  core terms called SEX and MONEY.... Everything  else is a derived issue out of these two basic  issues...

It might sound  crazy... But I  can definitely  try and rationalize  this....

For a clear  understanding  of the same, I  would  want you all to refer to the chart given below, its Maslow's chart  showing  human needs from bottom to top in basic  to more advanced  human needs....

MASLOW  's Chart of Human Needs

5.Self Actualization
4.Self Esteem
3.Love, Belongingness
1.Food,Shelter, clothing, Sex

I  saw a movie on human trafficking  and while we all condemn  that, despise  that, we all have subconscious  fantasies that  lead to many  harmful  actions( either for self, others  or both) ..... Need based action and greed based action is something  we need to draw our attention  to...

As per Maslow, in the same category  of basic  needs, there is a mention of Sex along with food, shelter, clothing, etc but as humans  have  progressed, the needs after reaching level 4, keeps on rotating within these  and especially  at the lowest level trying  to achieve greed based satisfaction  and that leads  to most of the said  problems in world....

Money being a mode by which  all the said needs  are possibly  achieved , it remains  at supreme level of  need as its a prime requirement and then indulgence  in all other  needs , excess of which again calls for more money  and a way  to even make more  money... Thus... It forms a viscous  circle  and most  of the human  beings  are  trapped into this until  they are in face with a deadly truth of life and death when its too late  to sneak out of this trap and breathe by experiencing  peace and harmony  within.....

The live example  of this being  the flourishing  of cloth, food and real estate  industry  along with human traffickers  to trade into live flesh for money  making out of sexual greed of millions is a proof  to the said statement  that how these  basic  needs are all we are trapped into even after they no longer remain basic  and leads to over pampering  and over absorption  of bodily  needs  which  sooner or later results in disastrous  mental and physical  issues which at times are unfortunately  beyond  repair.....

To discuss on a topic like  this was a need felt thought  as while there are numerous  other  awareness topics being generated  at progressive  levels why aren't  we trying  to solve these  issues at their root level itself...????

Having  said this, I  totally  agree  that  its better  said than done, its not easy to stop exploitation  of body by means of various  available  options  to pamper it with but a bit of focus and alertness of maintaining  a line between  NEED and  GREED probably  will help us in preventing  from many mental  and physical  issues....

Think about it....

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