Something we all do and also receive... Ever wondered why do we do that???
A strange thought that travelled across my mind as to why and how this custom of gifting started??
At one point I would think it was only a set custom to gift but customs are also man made so the thought that leads to such customs was worth the study.
The fact that most of the population experience a happy feeling when they receive any gift but over the period this feeling also leaves a stressful effect due to given reason that as....
Now a days when corporate s have indulged into gifting people with free holidays, coupons, other facilities , its now become a mindset of many individuals too who gift in anticipation of any future benefit.
At times it would be replaced with an intangible thing like blessings, gratitude, token of appreciation and a very sweet feeling when you missed those people at times.
I realised the ill effect when I experienced from a close relative who seemed burdened to give away customary gift on a said occasion and made the receiver feel like a pauper... This disgust was more annoying as it murdered the sweet feeling of giving away the gift. Its not therefore mandatory to like the gifting process but the lying idea or feeling associated with it is more valuable which should be sustained.
I as a kid would always feel that non occasional gifts was a sign that the gift receiver was missed and remembered so much which is indeed a very touchy thought. I wish to continue the practice to if I can gift casually, but often struggle to understand if its the same with others or its a mere exchange. Nevertheless, each individual should operate with their inbuilt perception s about this but having a different outlook isn't as bad.
A thought that takes me deep into this is that as humans we are more in love with tangible things than intangible like body is more taken care of than soul and somewhere just to work on the same principle I guess people back then ages ago might have started to give away a physical thing accompanied by those deep feelings which cannot be felt otherwise or easily expressed in words.
And thus the tradition of gifting on various occasions would have begun...
To conclude, its not the promotion of gifting that I am aiming here but its a thought provoking effort here to not crush the sentiments for any inconvenience felt to indulge into gifting... Because in the long run people don't remember what was gifted but always remember how and why was it gifted(with what depth of feeling).
Remember Sudama's gift to Krishna??? ... It was the intention that left its mark not the material.
So people ! don't try to go out of the way to impress people with expensive things but make sure you have packed right emotions in the gift!!!
Something we all do and also receive... Ever wondered why do we do that???
A strange thought that travelled across my mind as to why and how this custom of gifting started??
At one point I would think it was only a set custom to gift but customs are also man made so the thought that leads to such customs was worth the study.
The fact that most of the population experience a happy feeling when they receive any gift but over the period this feeling also leaves a stressful effect due to given reason that as....
Now a days when corporate s have indulged into gifting people with free holidays, coupons, other facilities , its now become a mindset of many individuals too who gift in anticipation of any future benefit.
At times it would be replaced with an intangible thing like blessings, gratitude, token of appreciation and a very sweet feeling when you missed those people at times.
I realised the ill effect when I experienced from a close relative who seemed burdened to give away customary gift on a said occasion and made the receiver feel like a pauper... This disgust was more annoying as it murdered the sweet feeling of giving away the gift. Its not therefore mandatory to like the gifting process but the lying idea or feeling associated with it is more valuable which should be sustained.
I as a kid would always feel that non occasional gifts was a sign that the gift receiver was missed and remembered so much which is indeed a very touchy thought. I wish to continue the practice to if I can gift casually, but often struggle to understand if its the same with others or its a mere exchange. Nevertheless, each individual should operate with their inbuilt perception s about this but having a different outlook isn't as bad.
A thought that takes me deep into this is that as humans we are more in love with tangible things than intangible like body is more taken care of than soul and somewhere just to work on the same principle I guess people back then ages ago might have started to give away a physical thing accompanied by those deep feelings which cannot be felt otherwise or easily expressed in words.
And thus the tradition of gifting on various occasions would have begun...
To conclude, its not the promotion of gifting that I am aiming here but its a thought provoking effort here to not crush the sentiments for any inconvenience felt to indulge into gifting... Because in the long run people don't remember what was gifted but always remember how and why was it gifted(with what depth of feeling).
Remember Sudama's gift to Krishna??? ... It was the intention that left its mark not the material.
So people ! don't try to go out of the way to impress people with expensive things but make sure you have packed right emotions in the gift!!!
Gud read kinjal