
Seek within....

Thursday, May 28, 2015

EGO....End of GrOwth......

EGO -as a psychological concept balances the mind and its anti social activities that is demanded by the subconscious ....
In world today EGO has been replaced by the set boundaries and norms created by the intellect and knowledge that we have gained with our attitudes towards life and experiences of life. Thus,  an ego hurt is any act or episode or person acting against our set borders and norms. ...
We as humans need assurance from people that we are supreme and that makes us achieve all our material goals and at a level we actually start feeling great about our so called success and knowledge that we virtually start feeling like rulers of people around us especially friends and family and that is the evolution of this highly dangerous thing called EGO.

Let's put it this way the day we start feeling supreme in our own self is the time we have closed all the doors of learning and enhancing. It's the end of self improvement or self nourishment when we have blocked our selves to our own limited knowledge. ..Ego is thus something we have to use it wisely as a tool to prevent this mind in nurturing unethical thoughts but rather not make it as powerful that it ceases to let us grow and learn more....

An individual with a self oriented perception and limited knowledge and intelligence will only lean against the cushions of EGO..


Friday, May 22, 2015

Let's use the APP called Appreciation! !!

APP as in applications we are soo very much used to having in our gadgets ....let's download some great one's in life among which primarily stands this wonderful App called APPRECIATION....

APPRECIATION  necessarily means BEING THANKFUL and acknowledging the good things happening with us and in our lives. Its very simple and easy to keep cribbing about our issues which most of the times are self created and the fact is that complaints will never solve an issue....thus its a very easy technique to get rid of complaints that we have from our lives by following these steps:

1.whatever or who so ever is the cause of our issues has to be imagined being absent in our lives.

2. The benefits or basic existence of elements arising out of that individual should be taken into serious consideration. 

3. We as individuals should use the given intellect and think in other perspective. 

4. Out of all the perspectives we definitely will have atleast one which  will give  us a solace and a feel good factor.

Therefore the bottom line is that the APPRECIATION OF GOOD THINGS AND PEOPLE WILL ADD ONLY PEACE IN OUR LIVES and Complaining will only cause us the pain...lets start using this APP NOW!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Humour is a good tumour. .........

 TUMOURS in body aren't natural and needed but Humour is an essential ingredient of life..

One is Life Threatening and other is Life enhancing. It requires lateral thinking and all together a different perspective to look at things .All serious most issues can give a lightened  effect with a tinge of humour added to it.

There is a mentality existing which says that people cracking jokes on so called serious issues aren't sensitive enough ......rather its to be taken in a different way to see its other side and feel a bit stress free ......

According to Psychologists Sense of humour says a lot about the hidden personality of a person as it can reflect the inner conflicting issue an individual deals with or a sense of confidence in that area.

There is yet another fact attached to Sense of humour and that is Men are more expected to have a sense of humour and are appreciated where as women with great sense of humour aren't well accepted especially by men.
The possible reason to this could be that intelligence required for good sense of humour is not often believed to be present in a female. 

The underlined reality here is that Humour is an essential part of life and it 
Naturally helps to temporarily relieve stress even though it cannot get us to solutions but gets us to that state of mind which enables us to find solutions. ...

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A soul is a soul. ...with or without a body...

A horror movie that reflected a soul that possessed a body for some left over vengeful desire. ...reminded me of the very fact that WE ARE ALL PRIMARILY SOULS and LATER THIS BODY. ..each religion and philosophy has repeatedly focussed the attention on this TRUTH.

What bothers me is something I understood quite late and I still wonder.....if we are souls ...whom we love or hate are also souls and we very comfortably mingle then those BODYLESS SOULS who are all around us don't much bother us too but those with whom we have had a bitter relationship and is no more physically existing we go bonkers to even accept that for a moment if they still are around and if yes with what hidden desire....

As humans when we pick on an individual we try to be winners all the while and don't hesitate to hurt millions of souls  that are our friends and family and a human..and that seldom makes us scared but the same soul without body scares us to a crazy level.....

Quite an interesting query I looked for an answer and then my guess was that probably we know that body has a limitation SOUL never has any and it is that power which can give people jitters. ..

The point we all need to understand is that why then not treat our fellow beings (the souls) with respect and don't worry about the threat as an effect of self guilt which always will have its powerful impact someday.

Do  not take souls with body for granted to make you worry about its reactions after leaving their bodies. ...

On path of humanity such fears will never affect us...
Lets follow humanity.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Unwinding work? ??

Office Affair...very common and very very stressful especially if you already are into a committed relationship...

Out of my total case studies I am dealing with I come across atleast 30% of cases with corporate employees that involve a relationship complication.

Why do people get into the pit after understanding all of its side effects? ??
Few reasons:
Long hours spent at work
Eventually getting more closer to colleagues .....

Some emotional crises at personal front also influence the  attractions at work especially for all those who constantly aspire fun and are dissatisfied in life. .

To put it the other way WHO IS  TOTALLY  SATISFIED? ??? very few...


Finding a partner and settling down is a fateful episode but continuing to find pleasures after a settled life is No Less Than A  Disastrous situation for future. 

Identifying the ideal person in a colleague is very very common but NOT forgetting the struggles , pains and efforts taken to reach that career destination is very important so as to help in distancing self from that ideal individual who too has a personal life back there. 

The side effects of such pleasures that are seeked could be very dreadful:

The pain an Iindividual can go through in terms of a messed up personal and professional life can leave him /her devastated to even feel stable of self.

Societal image destruction that they can encounter will also hamper the SELF CONFIDENCE LEVELS....

Temptations are at every level...slipping away will be hard to deal with...not everytime your inner self will have enough strength to get up after that great fall!