
Seek within....

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Compete and compare..... Enter the greed breed...

Compete??? *

A particular  school  of thought  says competition  is healthy.... Indeed.. But there  are given conditions  under which they  are healthy..
Discovery  of the  best  of one's  abilities
Eliminating  the laziness within
And an urge to build up self confidence...

Apart from these, there is no individual  benefit  to be competitive.... On the other hand if the above  mentioned  goals  are achieved ... Then competition  should be with  ONLY SELF....
But.. Sadly... We humans forget the essence  of competition  and  soon cross that  thin line of competition  and encounter  COMPARISON... this is the zone people should never ever enter....

The killer of humanity, downfall of virtues  and  inviting  restlessness  are all this area can give us.....
Comparison , therefore  is like self  inflicted  torture  and life long  companionship  with anxiety..

I  see people  coming  to  me with  major issues  and when it's  cause is boiled  down, it reflects  that it was an unsaid comparing  trait which  plays  the  culprit.

Again  the sad part here is people are seldom interested  in comparing  themselves  to enlightened  people or humble  and modest population  who have  gained  immensely  but are grounded from the core... The reason being that  doesn't  give others a JEALOUSY  FEEL and  the mediocre  self  of humans  only race the ones who  are in possession  of all sorts  of material  things to gain that  extra attention....

Having  said so it is  easier  to gain  material  happiness  if not by hardwork and integrity  then by cheating  and immorality  thus all are engrossed in that competition  followed  by comparison  to achieve that mind-blowing  high ranking position in society  with all eyes following  them and  that is the goal people have set...

Whereas to achieve  the eternal happiness  it involves  high amount of self study, introspective  attitude and competition  with self at a constant  pace which is not attention  gaining  and people don't  feel its worth till..... All that  comparisons put them into a never ending  state  of Anxiety  and  depression......

Folks, it is therefore  very important  to cautiously  compete and not let go off our peace within as it is not sensible  to gain attention  while loosing  inner harmony....

Most  people  who are unfortunate  victims of this  competition  followed  by comparison  are those who start having a high self image where  by they cannot tolerate  anyone  else doing better than  them in all feilds ...

I know of  college toppers, millionaires and most  affluent  people being victimized  by the disease of COMPARISON  as they seek to achieve a perfect picturized life and cannot come in terms with what  life has to give them in their  journey....

Self help tip:

A simple and spiritual  way  to help  overcome  any distress caused by life events and dissatisfied  feeling  is to understand  as to how any episode  of life has contributed  in enrichment  of the soul within... Which means how refined have you become  with a blow is something  to be cherished  rather  than cribbing.....

Stay calm...

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