Karma in Hinduism means Action but I would like to use the Buddhist meaning here which means Deeds(Actions) with Intentions.....
Law of cause and effect , an universal law states that each action has a reaction.... Action (karma) is what we as humans essentially are bound to indulge into. Religious scripts have time and again highlighted the ' karma phal' i.e. Fruits of actions by countless stories and examples to help humans behave appropriately and enable a healthy living environment in society.
Let's focus on TODAY.... What we understand and how the philosophy of karma is conveniently changed to suit our physical pleasures... People today are divided clearly into more or less two categories.... 1. Hypocrites and 2. Excessively blunt /careless.
Each category is selfish but have a different approach to gain that selfish motive. Well, karma also doesn't mean we don't work for our own selves, infact that's our primary duty but while accomplishments of primary duties our greed, insecurities, fears, etc takes over us and we remain engrossed in self.... This evil habit proves negative when under the stride of self help we intentionally harm others and JUSTIFY our acts as a NO CHOICE action.
Its while we are affected by some adversity in life , we sit back to think where all we committed those acts which is showing such reaction. I wouldn't want to get into birth cycle and past and future births etc, which some philosophies believe and some clearly don't... Neither do we as laymen have any knowledge about what, where, why we are here thus if ONLY, we focus in this life where after adulthood we do have an independent thought process to guide us through, its extremely essential to abide by HUMANE laws which are independent in nature and most common in any religion, community, society,etc.
I started my post with a claim that I wish to quote and explain this beautiful and most prominent universal law by the Buddhist definition of KARMA, as it defines it as ACTION WITH INTENTION.... now here people caged with fear do try and perform good acts which should surely be appreciated but the universal law essentially shows reaction where action and intention are on same lines... We today witness huge population into philanthropy, social services, etc but have very different self prestige issues attached to those services and not to really HELP the downtrodden. The reason , it becomes important to quote these examples is to help people in a bit of reality-check that the entire noble act goes WASTE at an individual uplifting level if right intentions are missing with a great deed....
To not stretch it further more, whatever personalities we have, we can assure a peaceful inner self if this law is understood and abided by nicely....
Take care...